摘 要《名利场》以辛辣讽刺的手法,描绘了英国19世界资产阶级社会以及各色人物的丑恶嘴脸,以及弱肉强食、尔虞我诈的人际关系。许多学者已经从翻译或女性zhuyi等角度对《名利场》进行了研究,作者拟从讽刺艺术的角度来研究此小说。本文将利用文本分析法简要介绍小说作者、小说内容以及讽刺的定义和功能,而后着重通过对讽刺手法和讽刺对象的分析将讽刺艺术呈现出来。讽刺艺术是整个小说中突出情节最重要的细节之一,对讽刺艺术的分析则是理解这部小说的一个重要途径。83669


Abstract     Vanity Fair, with its sarcastic style of satire, described a vivid vision of British bourgeois society in the 19th century and of the personal relationships, such as many kinds of characters of ugliness, and the law of the jungle, the intrigues of the interpersonal relationship, which engendered by that society。 Many scholars have researched on Vanity Fair from the perspective of translation or feminism。 The author intends to research from the perspective of satire。 This paper will give an introduction to the author and the content of this novel as well as the definition and function of satire through the text-analysis method then emphatically analyze art of satire, which including satirical techniques and satirical targets。 Art of satire is one of the most important detail to highlight the whole plot。 Hence, analyzing the art of satire is a significant way to understand this novel。 

Key words: Vanity Fair, art of satire, satirical techniques, satirical targets


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 A Brief Introduction to Satire 2

2。1 Definition of Satire 2

2。2 Function of Satire 3

2。3 Examples of Satire in Famous Works 3

III。 Satirical Techniques in Vanity Fair 4

3。1 Constant Commentaries 5

3。2 Caricatures 6

3。3 Satirical Ending 6

3。4 Satirical Themes 7

3。5 Satirical Expression 8

IV。 Satirical Targets in Vanity Fair 9

4。1 Main Characters: Becky Sharp & Amelia Sedley 9

4。2 The Concept of Gentleman and Lady 10

4。3 Marriage 11

4。4 Distorted Value System 12

4。5 Satirical Title and Name 13

V。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 15

Acknowledgements 16

On the Art of Satire in Vanity Fair

I。 Introduction

    William Makepeace Thackeray was one of the chief literary personage belonging to the Victorian Era, and his inpiduality has had a outstanding influence on the work of his successors without doubt。 He took a very high rank as a critical realistic writer。 He has created many realistic works in his life。 As a classic work, Vanity Fair has established his position in the English literary world 。

    Thackeray was an only child and was born in July 18, 1811 in Calcutta, India。 His father is an English person, working in the East India Company and he died in 1817。 Then Thackeray was sent back to England to a private elementary school that he hated。 Subsequently, he was transferred to a public school, where he has often been bullied and beaten so that his situation has become even more tragic。 Six years later, Thackeray left the public school and study at Trinity College, Cambridge but he only stayed there for one year more。 His father left a lot of property for him, so he has the economic capacity to travel around and to be active in his interest。 He has some talent in painting, and then he decided to go to Paris to learn painting。 As a result, he mastered the basic skills of painting that can draw cartoon illustrations for his work in the future。论文网

















