Bibliography 15

Acknowledgements 16

The Problems and Countermeasures of Big Class in Middle School English Teaching

I。 Introduction 

Most of the people, particularly English teachers and English learners, have a good understanding of the advantages of teaching-in-small-class, which can provide a free environment for students to express themselves and communicate with others。 However, with the development of the urbanization and economic globalization, more and more students think that mastering a foreign language is good for their future and plays an important role in helping them find a decent job。 Moreover, many students tend to swarm into cities, which brings much pressure to urban middle schools。 So in this condition, middle school English teaching in big class seems to be a matter of necessity。 English teachers always think they should communicate with their students through eye-contact and call every student’s name inerrably in any condition。 In the meantime, every student has an expectation for their English teachers that their teachers could pay close attention to them, only in this way can they strengthen their confidence and improve themselves。 However, teaching English in big class makes it impossible and difficult, and numerous problems in big class pile up。 In some private schools aboard, they consider a class having more than twenty students as a big class。 Nevertheless, in elementary education stage in China, many urban middle schools have more than sixty students in one class, which brings a lot of problems to teachers and greatly influences students’ learning efficiency。 论文网

Facing many problems brought by teaching-in-big-class, English teachers should choose appropriate teaching methods according to students’ learning conditions and their learning habits。 What’s more, they should contemplate how to improve the student’s learning efficiency and the quality of teaching。 This paper will discuss problems existing in the process of teaching English in big class and put forward a series of solutions to settle those problems, in order to help English teachers reach the teaching aims set by Chinese Education Institution。 文献综述

II。 A Brief Review of the Studies on Teaching English in Big Class

2。1 Definition of Teaching-in-Big-Class

Teaching-in-big-class belongs to the system of the class-based teaching, which is an organizational form of teaching。 The idea of a big class has been discussed by many Chinese and foreign educators, and they have their own ideas about the definitions of teaching-in-big-class。 According to Hayes, a famous educator, in his book Helping teachers to cope with large class, he argues that a big class refers to a class having more than fifty students (28-29)。 Though in some private schools, they consider a class having more than twenty students as a big class (Bie 11-13)。 In general, a big class in our country is composed of at least fifty students with similar ages and levels in English。 The main feature of a big class is that there are many students in one class who have different learning styles and learning conditions, besides, they have their own competence in English。 

2。2 Related Researches on Teaching English in Big Class

The disadvantages of teaching English in big class are discussed by many educators, including Chinese educators and foreign educators。 Undoubtedly, they all think that there exist many problems in the process of teaching English in big class。 According to Hess, a famous American educator, he argues in his book Teaching Large Multilevel Class that teaching-in-big-class will bring many problems to teachers and students, because most students studying in one class may not be in the same level, which will cause a lot of difficulties to teachers’ teaching and decrease students’ learning efficiency, so he comes up with an idea that teachers should teach students in accordance with their aptitude (37)。 In the meantime, in China, the professor Xu Zhongqi thinks that teaching-in-big-class will add more pressure to teachers and reduce teachers’ work efficiency。 For example, owing to many students in one class, teachers need to prepare for class not only according to the teaching aims but according to the students’ learning conditions。 What’s more, English teachers should correct students’ homework one by one, receive some feedback from their homework, and then give them evaluation in time, which may make teachers tired and exhausted (Xu 27-30)。 Under this condition, Xu Zhongqi puts forward some strategies to deal with problems in teaching English in big class。 He argues that English teachers should treat every student without discrimination and they should be good at discovering every student’s advantages in the process of teaching, in the meantime, they should often encourage students rather than laugh at or punish them。来:自[优E尔L论W文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















