摘 要:随着社会的发展,人们的思想观念也在不断出现新转变,秧歌不再只是祭祀的产物,而是随着改革逐步地迈进人们的心中,成为一种全民参与、全民娱乐的集体歌舞艺术。秧歌事业日益发展,各地也出现了许多有特色的秧歌,于是临县伞头秧歌进入大家的视野。笔者身为临县人,理应对临县伞头秧歌的传承和发扬做出一些贡献。本文主要针对临县的伞头秧歌为主要论述点,一起重温临县伞头秧歌的经典历史,加深对伞头秧歌的了解;随着时代的变迁,伞头秧歌目前的发展状况;最后对伞头秧歌未来发展的方向以及需要改进之处做出相应的论述。73122
Abstract:With the development of society, people's thinking has also been the emergence of new changes, Yangko is no longer just a product of ritual, but with the reform and gradually move the hearts of people, has become a universal participation, national pastime collective singing and dancing。 Yangko business growing, the country there have been many unique Yangko, so LinXian umbrella Yangko enter our field of vision。 As I Linxian County man, ought to LinXian umbrella Yangko heritage and development to make some contribution。 In this paper, the umbrella for Linxian Yangko as the main discussion point, to revisit LinXian umbrella Yangko classical history, to deepen understanding of the umbrella Yangko; With the changing times, umbrella head Yangko current state of development; Finally, accordingly umbrella Yangko discusses the direction of future development and the need for improvement。
Keywords:LinXian, Yangko umbrella, current situation, development trend
目 录
1 绪论 4
1。1 选题缘由 4
1。2 现状综述 4
1。3 研究意义 4
1。4 研究方法 4
2 临县伞头秧歌的历史起源 4
2。1 临县伞头秧歌的特征 5
2。1。1 伞头秧歌具有原始性 5
2。1。2 伞头秧歌具有全民性 5
2。1。3 伞头秧歌具有狂欢性 5
2。1。4 伞头秧歌具有艺术性 5
2。2 赛社、赛会——社火、会子 6
2。3 伞头秧歌之花伞 6
2。4 伞头秧歌“即兴演唱”的鼎盛时期 6
2。5 转道场——踩牌子 6
3 临县伞头秧歌发展现状 7
3。1 丰富多彩的伞头秧歌 7
3。2 伞头秧歌步入正轨 7
4 临县伞头秧歌未来发展趋势及改进之处 8
4。1 伞头秧歌走出国门,将秧歌文化发扬 8
4。2 伞头秧歌的不足及改进之处 8
4。2。1 伞头秧歌顺应时代的发展 8
4。2。2 伞头秧歌发展方向单一,不够多元化 8
4。2。3 提升秧歌表演者的文化素养