    Studies show brand experience center --- Jaguar F-TYPE
    Abstract: The competitive contemporary society , along with the improvement of people's material needs , starting a situation presents various brands .
    Presence : Products include physical and virtual display shows two kinds of products show the most direct and intuitive way to show the product in front of customers of the entity .
    Live brand experience : live brand experience is a luxury game project , because of the site , time, money , manpower, material should have good support , regulation and control must also have a good atmosphere and live interactive design . The most common site experience is perhaps the "show" , the car show, fashion show will be the ultimate use of this method , but for different industries, should be able to develop a good interactive experience projects. Good site allows the user should be able to experience a long time, the time spent entirely at their own brand , but not other things , especially not at the competitors . When performing a brand experience design scene , if you can give one goal: Are you ready to let your users participating in brand spend much time above , the number of projects focused on participation ?
    Experience Services : Experience the service is a new service concept , it is different from the traditional style of abetting service , switching to customers involved in product experience to the company through direct and to improve and enhance product quality and customer contacts .
    In this paper, a new sports car brand Jaguar F-TYPE research and analysis , brand history, product display, museum , live brand experience , to experience this five start. Study a special brand Jaguar F-TYPE cultural heritage and museum display of products , etc. to expand research from the hardware and software. Today's society in general stadium design high-tech means to render a 3D experience model , but did not seem to make the feasibility of a special pavilion for the experience model , so I made about the brand Jaguar sports car series F-TYPE specially designed museum experience design project ideas .
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