    摘要:    本课题的研究在于将漆艺首饰做出一种偏现代的感觉,而非传统。课程的开始,我先是对于传统首饰以及其色彩搭配进行了一定的研究以及制作,做出了一些成品,但在接下来转向现代首饰的时候出现了许多问题。现代首饰的造型区别于传统首饰,其色彩搭配也大相径庭,因此我做了很多实验,对于那些偏现代的首饰木胎进行不同色彩的搭配,后来来金银箔的加入让我有了新的灵感,解决了色彩的兼容问题,因此后期做的首饰更加偏向于现代与简约风格,没有过多颜色的堆砌,而是简单的色彩搭配出焕然一新的感觉。在研究中我发现,传统的漆艺首饰,颜色偏暖而暗,给人一种韵深长的感觉。一的亮色虽然能够在一定程度上体现出现代风,但是会给人一种浮夸而不稳重的感觉,因此我最后采用了两者相结合的方式,亮色让人心情愉悦,暗色又能将色彩压住,不失稳重,金银箔的运用更是锦上添花。20803
    毕业论文关键词:    漆艺;首饰;现代;色彩搭配;传统
    English Title Here
    Abstract:     The destination of this task is making the lacquer jewelry become modern rather than traditional.At the begining,I made some product about the color matching of traditional jewelry.Then,I found that the appearance of modern jewelry is distinct from traditional when I tended towards the modern jewelry.Additional,their color matching are different as well.Thus,I made many experiments that doing different color matching on the modern jewelry.After that,I added some gold foil and silver foil into my color matching and that gave me the new inspiration to solve the problem about color compatible.In the later period,the jewelry I made tend to more modern and simple,which without color stacking.Simple color matching can  make people have a new look.During my research,I found that the color of traditional jewelry tends dark and warm,so it makes people feel comfortable and steady.In additional,bright color is more modern,but it is a bit little of flighty.So,I combine their advantages that bright color make people delightful meanwhile dark color can steady the whole picture.
    Keywords:    Lacquer art; Jewelry; Modern; Color matching; Traditional
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 漆艺简介    1
    1.1.1 漆艺的起源    1
    1.1.2 漆艺的历史演变及发展    1
    1.1.3 中国漆艺的教育现状    2
    2 漆艺首饰材料的运用与分析    3
    2.1 漆    3
    2.1.1 漆的分类    3
    2.2 材料的选择与运用    3
    2.2.1 漆艺首饰制作材料    3
    2.2.2 脱骨材料    3
    2.2.3 辅助材料    4
    2.3 漆艺工具    4
    3 漆艺首饰的设计及制作    5
    3.1 传统首饰与现代首饰的异同    5
    3.2 漆艺首饰的设计    5
    3.3 漆艺首饰的制作    5
    3.3.1 首饰盒    5
    3.3.2 手镯    6
    3.3.3 耳饰    7
    3.3.4 挂坠    7
    3.3.5 簪子    8
    致谢    9
    参考文献    10
    1    绪论
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