Abstract:This paper analyzes Song Huizong's achievement in art exposition, the first chapter discusses the reasons of the formation of Song Huizong thin gold body, mainly carries on the analysis from the Song Dynasty cultural background of Song Huizong's own experience and preferences, the second chapter mainly discusses Song Huizong's skinny body in poems on painting and the use of the contribution of Song Huizong in the poem calligraphy seal combination made。 The main body of the second chapter is to analyze the style of the thin gold body in the different periods of the painting, and from the comparison of the works, we can understand the different styles of the early and mature period。 The third chapter mainly discusses the influence of thin gold body on the later song, and "poetry and print" integration of generations of calligraphers in the creative process of influence。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Key words: Song Huizong, skinny body, tihuashi
目 录
引言 7
1。瘦金体风格的来源 7
1。1北宋的文化背景 7
1。2宋徽宗的书学渊源 8
1。3宋徽宗的崇道思想 10
2。瘦金体在宋徽宗题画诗中的运用及风格分析 11
2。1宋徽宗之前作品题画形式概述 11
2。2瘦金体在宋徽宗题画中的运用 13
2。3宋徽宗题画诗的书法风格 14
3.瘦金体之影响 17
结论 19
参考文献 20
致谢 20
宋朝的文化在中国历史中处于鼎盛繁荣时期。陈寅恪先生评价宋朝文化地位说:“华夏民族之文化,历数千年之演进,造极于赵宋之势”1;柳诒徵先生也曾指出:“有宋一代,武功不竞,而学术特昌,上承汉唐,下启明清,绍述创造,靡所不备”2。由此我们可以看出宋代文化的繁荣及其在中华文化史上的地位,可谓空前发达。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766