    摘 要:速写(素描)是能够艺术的、创新的并能动的、客观的表现自然,并揭示事物本质。且具备着一切造型艺术的共同点的一种特有艺术形式;它涵盖我们今天所说的素描画、速写、设计等多个方面。。当下随着西方绘画艺术的不断传入,我们的基础造型思文也在不断地更替着,对线条的梳理成为了绘画思潮的一种新气象,这种现象在我们的国宝“中国画”显现的毋庸置疑;同时在油画中也有一定的建树。中西思潮的融会贯通,将以精炼的单向色调作为物质手段绘制的单色画,在此体系的形成中构造出的一种新的形式画。在现在开设的许多艺术门类中,“速写”担任着重要地作用。对于人物画创作主体者来说,人物速写是创作不可或缺之能力,这是因为它最能够帮助学习者养成造型习惯,总结、归纳出造型规律、培养敏锐而强大的观察力、进而培养出强大的记忆力和默写力等。对线条的整理、主观与客观、生活真实与艺术真实的异同,培育想象力,加强艺术创作自觉等,都有直接或间接的关系。本论文试以对速写概念的认识为前提,论述人物速写训练在人物造型学习中的重要性。29605
    毕业论文关键词:人物速写  艺术真实  默写能力  想象能力  重要性
    The importance of the training of character sketch in modeling characters
    Abstract: Sketch (sketch) is able to art, innovation and initiative, objective nature, and reveals the essence of things, and with all forms of art have in common a kind of unique artistic form. It covers our today said the sketch, the sketch, design and other aspects. The moment with Western painting art spread unceasingly, we based modeling thinking is also in constant change, on lines become sort of painting thought of a new atmosphere, this phenomenon in our national treasure "Chinese painting" revealed beyond doubt; at the same time in the oil painting has a certain contribution. Chinese and western ideological trend to integrate, to refine the one-way color Constructed as material means to draw the monochrome paintings. In this system the formation of a new form of painting. In now offers many art categories, "sketch" as an important role for figure painting creation main body, character sketch is the creation of an indispensable ability. This is because it can help learners develop the modeling habit, summarize, sum up out of shape rules and train a sharp and strong powers of observation, and to cultivate a strong memory and dictation. On line sorting, subjective and objective, real life and art real similarities and differences, to foster imagination, strengthen the artistic creation consciousness and so on, are directly or indirectly This paper tries to understand. On the concept of sketch as the premise, discusses the importance of training in the character sketch characters of learning.
    Keywords: character sketch  artistic reality  write from memory  imagination  importance
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