    摘要:    这些年来,计算机技术、通信技术及其他相关技术都在快速发展,虚拟现实仿真也越来越受到关注。就拿网上购票为例,大家一定都在网上买过票吧!但是,就目前来讲网上售票存在的主要问题是电影院、体育场馆等有座位的场所范围大,容量大,我们根本无法预知购买到的座位所提供视角是否可以满足自身的观看需求。    因此,为了解决这一问题,为了给用户更贴心的服务,本次论题以一个篮球场馆为例,采用虚拟现实技术,建造虚拟模型,重现场馆3D环境,这样购票者就可以在买票前预览每个座位的真实情况,看看是不是合自己的心意了。这个篮球场馆是根据真实场馆的卫星图来制作展示的,在虚拟的环境中提供漫游、座位选择、视角选择等功能。所以这一研究可以帮助购票者更好地享受服务,更愉悦地观赏赛事。本课题就为大家讲解一下什么是虚拟现实?它的应用是什么?也会用真实的案例来跟大家分享虚拟现实的好处,给大家带来不一样的体验。31986
    毕业论文关键词:    3D虚拟现实;虚拟体育馆;票务系统;场景漫游;虚拟仿真
    3D virtual stadium scene reproduction and Roaming
    Abstract:     Over the years, computer technology, communications technology and other related technologies are in rapid development, virtual reality simulation more and more attention. Take online ticketing for example, you must have bought tickets online now! However, the main problem now in terms of online presence cinema ticketing, stadiums and other places have a seat range, large capacity, we can not predict purchase seats offered to meet their own perspective whether viewing needs. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, in order to give the user a more intimate service, this topic in a basketball stadium, for example, the use of virtual reality technology to build virtual models to reproduce the stadium 3D environment, so ticket buyers need to buy a ticket the real situation before the preview of each seat, see if it is co-own mind up. The basketball venue is based on real satellite images to make the stadium show, roaming in the virtual environment, seat selection, angle selection function. Therefore, this study could help ticket buyers better access to services, more enjoyable to watch the event. The topic for everyone to explain what is virtual reality? What use is it? We will use real-world examples to share with you the benefits of virtual reality, to give us a different experience.
    Keywords:    3D virtual reality; virtual stadium; ticketing system; scene roaming; virtual simulation
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    目录    3
    第一章 绪论    5
    1.1    选题背景与研究意义    5
    1.1.1    选题背景    5
    1.1.2    研究意义    5
    1.2    国内外研究现状    6
    1.2.1     虚拟现实技术国内研究现状    6
        1.2.2  虚拟现实技术国外研究现状    .7
    1.3    本文主要内容    7
    第二章 虚拟现实技术论述    8
    2.1    虚拟现实技术简介    8
     2.1.1    什么是虚拟现实    8
     2.1.2    虚拟现实的关键技术.8
    2.2    虚拟现实技术应用    10
    2.2.1    医学方面    10
        2.2.2  娱乐方面.10
    2.2.3    室内设计    11
        2.2.4  工业仿真.12
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