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- 下一篇:虚拟现实技术国内外研究现状及发展趋势
摘要:随着时代的进步与科学技术的发展,仅通过外部观察物体得到信息的结果已经不能满足人们的需求,人们希望通过多方面、多视角(视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉等方面)参与到信息处理的环境中去,获得更为直观的感受。虚拟现实技术的发展,很好的解决了这一问题。文中主要探讨了三维场景的构建技术及三维场景漫游技术。介绍了几种不同的三维场景构建技术和三维场景漫游技术,并对几种不同的技术进行了比较,列出了它们的优缺点。同时也对两款应用较为广泛的三维软件进行了简单的介绍。本文采用3ds max进行三维建模,使用virtools技术实现虚拟店铺的交互功能,以虚拟书店为实例,探讨了三维虚拟店铺的设计和实现,完成了一个具有一定交互性的三维虚拟店铺展示系统。52659
毕业论文关键词:虚拟现实;3ds max;virtools;交互性
Design of 3D virtual display system
Abstract: With the era of progress and scientific and technological development, only through external observation of objects get the information has been unable to meet people's needs, people hope through multifaceted, multi angle (vision, hearing, touch, smell, etc.) involved in information processing environment and obtain a more intuitive feeling. The development of virtual reality technology, solve the problem well. This paper mainly probes into the construction of three-dimensional scene technology and three-dimensional scene roaming technology. This paper introduces several kinds of 3D scene construction technology and 3D scene roaming technology, and compares several different technologies, lists the advantages and disadvantages of them. At the same time, it also makes a brief introduction to the two kinds of three-dimensional software. The 3ds Max three-dimensional modeling, virtools technology to realize the interactive function of virtual stores, to virtual bookstore as an example, discusses the design and implementation of 3D virtual store, completed a has certain interactive 3D virtual store display system.
Keywords: virtual reality;3ds max;virtools;interactive
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 虚拟现实概述 1
1.1 虚拟现实技术 1
1.1.1 虚拟现实的概念 1
1.1.2 虚拟现实的发展 1
1.1.3 虚拟现实的意义 2
1.2 国内外发展现况 2
2 三维场景构建技术 4
2.1 三维场景建模技术 4
2.1.1 规则三维模型的构建 4
2.1.2 不规则三维模型的构建 4
2.2 建模中常见的问题 4
2.2.1 过分强调细节 4
2.2.2 实体拼接组合的位置关系不正确 5
2.2.3 存在多余的多边形 5