    关键词  重生  特色保留  咖啡馆   书店风格
    Title    “Rebrith” wujiang remolding machinery factory                                            
    My topic is "born again" the old factory, after reading a lot about the document of the old factory found in recent years as the previous Beijing 798 art zone, cities such as Shanghai suzhou creek art warehouse factory creative transformation, a growing number of second - and third-tier cities plant upgrades the rise of the cultural creative industry, with all kinds of media attention, more and more people are aware of the importance of the old factory.
    At the same time in the modern era, with the development of urban and rural construction, the country also more and more pay attention to the sustainable development, which is based on the principle of recycling old plant transformation become the cause of the trend, the old factory modified the model in a foreign country is a kind of very mature model, too many years in China although there is no development, but also has been slowly on the right track. This modification is one of my old factory is located in wujiang, as far as possible to retain the original characteristics of the principle, in the original building reborn into a bookstore cafe with the combination of a building.
    Keywords  rebirth   bookstore  cafe style  reborn characteristics
    目   次
    1   引言 1
    1.1  现状分析 1
    1.1.1  国内旧工厂改造现状 2
    1.1.2  旧工厂再利用功能分析 2
      2  调研过程与设计分析 3
    2.1  研究过程 3
    2.2  国内旧建筑改造现状研究 3
      2.3  旧建筑再利用功能研究 4
      2.3.1  国内旧工厂设计审美设计风格4
      2.3.2  吴江旧机械厂改造问题分析5
      2.4  调研总结6
      3  设计方案与设计探究6
      3.1  设计思路 8
      3.2  草图方案 8
      3.3  尺寸 10
      3.4  建模效果图 10
      3.5  总体方案阐述及理论创新 13
      4. 实践总结14
    结论  15
    致谢  16
    附录A  19
    1 引言
        在初始阶段,作者本人对于旧的工厂改造这一方向的印象只是比较粗浅,上海田子坊,北京798,广州红砖厂这些比较有名的早期旧工厂改造,在当代由于越来越多新兴建筑的兴起,从前占据中国工业化主流的旧工厂如机械厂等也被慢慢抛弃在历史的洪流中,这不符合当代科学发展观中可持续发展 ,所以通过科学的改造让其重新焕发生机,既节省了不必要的损耗又达到了建筑目的。不论是外因还是内因,旧工厂改造这一方式也一定程度上体现了时代更替的潮流性。尽管由于国外工业化较早,旧工厂改造已经形成了一定的规模,但是根据文献查阅得知也国内对于旧工厂改造的发展也有着许多优势。
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