

    毕业论文关键词: 酵素;发酵工艺优化;痤疮丙酸杆菌;抑菌测试;抗氧化性

    Optimization of fermentation process and inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes by fermented juice

    Abstract:As a newly developed healthy product, the fermented juice has been attaced much attention by people in domestic and abroad, but the application of fermented juice in cosmetics is limited. In this experiment, apple juice was used as raw material, the fruit juice fermentation, screening of strain, fermentation condition were studied, and the fermented products were detected by oxidation resistance test and the bacteriostatic test of Propionibacterium acnes. By single factor and response surface optimization, the best process parameters for fermetation: apple juice pH 6.0, yeast and lactobacillus 1:1 symbiotic fermentation, fermentation temperature 28.5℃, inoculated quantity 2.80%, fermentation time of 22 h. Secondary fermentation stench of acetic acid bacillus inoculation amount to 8%, to 33 ℃ fermentation temperature, fermentation time f or 24 h. The fermented juice has bacteriostatic ability to the Propionibacterium acnes, the minimum inhibition concentration is 10%; the products has stong anti-oxidation ability, the IC50 on DPPH · clearance is 0.43%.

    Keywords: fermented juice;Optimization of fermentation process;Propionibacterium acnes; antibacterial test;antioxidation;


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 酵素及其研究现状 1

        1.1.1 酵素的概念 1

        1.1.2酵素的作用 1

        1.1.3 酵素的市场及生产现状 2

    1.2 痤疮及其治疗手段 3

        1.2.1痤疮的概念 3

        1.2.2 引起痤疮的微生物 4

        1.2.3 治疗现状 4

        1.2.4 酵素治疗可能性分析 4

    1.3 本课题的目的及研究意义 5

    材料与方法 6

    2.1  菌种、培养基与试剂以及配置方法 6

    2.2  仪器与设备 7

    2.3  实验方法 7

    2.4.1 发酵工艺 7

    2.4.2 pH测定 7

    2.4.3 酒精度测定 8

    2.4.4 牛津杯抑菌试验 8

    2.4.5 DPPH抗氧化性测定 8

    2.5 单因素实验 8

    2.5.1 酵母菌和乳酸菌发酵过程的优化 9

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