    关键词:  无菌要求;生产过程;无菌测试;控制措施
    Control of Aseptic Production Process
    Abstract:Significance of control of aseptic production process is to monitor whether the whole process of drug production conform to the aseptic requirements, on the other hand is to adjust the production process to ensure that pharmaceutical companies can produce a more safe, stable, controllable and high-quality medicines.
        This paper is mainly pided into two parts. The first part: a case is cited that current situation of aseptic production in Shanghai New Asiatic Pharmaceutical company, in this case, some problems and risks can be found out widely exist in materials management, plant facilities, public systems, equipments, personnel, etc. The second part: according to the actual situation as well as aseptic requirements of medicines, it gradually puts forward the corresponding prevention and control measures in view of the introduction of contamination or cross-contamination during production. By adopting the methods of sterile test and cleaning validation to ensure the sterility of drugs. The main measures are to effectively control and eliminate the possible existence of microbe, particulate and pyrogen contamination, at the same time, to prevent that each step of production may cause cross-contamination.
    Keywords: aseptic requirements, process of production , sterile test, cleaning validation, control measures
    目  录
    1 引言    1
    1.1 无菌生产的发展概况    1
    1.2 无菌生产的目的及意义    1
    1.3 研究范围    1
    2 物料管理    3
    2.1 物料的分类    3
    2.2 物料管理中常见的问题    3
    2.3 物料的污染与控制    3
    2.3.1 规范购入    3
    2.3.2 合理储存、发放    3
    2.3.3 取样检验    3
    2.3.4 选择合适的物料传递方式    3
    3 厂房设施    3
    3.1 洁净区存在的问题及解决方法    3
    3.1.1 高风险区的设计    3
    3.1.2 洁净室的密封    3
    3.1.3 地漏的处理    3
    3.2 配制系统、工艺管线存在的问题及解决方法    3
    4 公共系统    3
    4.1 空调净化系统    3
    4.1.1 空调净化系统对洁净室内空气的污染    3
    4.1.2 空调系统自身的污染    3
    4.1.3 保证空气净化系统的无菌控制要求    3
    4.2 水系统    3
    4.2.1 水系统的内部污染与控制    3
    4.2.2 水系统的消毒方式    3
    4.3 气体系统    3
    4.3.1 压缩空气系统常见的缺陷及解决办法    3
    4.3.2 氮气系统    3
    5 生产设备    3
    5.1 存在的问题及缺陷    3
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