    [摘  要]:为解决能源危机,改善地球环境,世界各国着重开发新能源和环境保护。风力发电和太阳能发电作为清洁能源发电中的佼佼者。他们所具有的优点是其他发电方式所不能比拟的,如零污染、不枯竭、低辐射等。当作为能源供给时,风光互补系统展现出了它独具的特性。如稳定性、能源供给灵活。校园作为一个小而集中的人口密集地,高效智能的照明的重要性尤为突出。而且就我国的国情而言,智能化的低能耗调控才符合可持续发展政策的要求。39793
     Campus Lighting System Based on wind turbine generator
    Abstract:In order to solve the energy crisis, improve the global environment, the world focused on the development of new energy and environmental protection. Wind power and solar power as a clean energy leader. They have the advantage that can not be compared to other power generation methods, such as zero pollution, not exhaustion, low radiation. When used as energy supply, hybrid systems exhibit its unique characteristics. Such as stability, energy supply and flexible. Campus as a small but densely concentrated population, the importance of efficient intelligent lighting is particularly prominent. And on China's national conditions, the low-power intelligent regulation is consistent with the requirements of sustainable development policies.
    The lighting design to achieve a campus wind and solar unit at the goal, on the basis of available information in the study, focusing on the development of wind and solar control, inverter system, the main content of the work as follows:
    1、Analysis of wind and solar power generation system architecture, to understand its structure and principle.
    2、Focus on wind and solar controller and inverter design studies and campus lighting design process.
    Keyword: Wind power,Solar power,Wind-solar hybrid power system,Singlechip
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1可再生能源的利用现状及发展    1
    1.2我国风力发电的状况    2
    1.3我国的太阳能资源状况    2
    1.4我国风光互补发电系统的前景及现状    3
    1.5课题的目的和任务    4
    第二章 小型风光互补的发电系统    5
    2.1风力发电部分    5
    2.1.1光伏发电的结构    5
    2.1.2风力发电机    5
    2.2太阳能电池特性    7
    2.2.2太阳能阵列的等效电路    7
    2.3.2电池容量计算    9
    2.4控制电路原理    9
    第三章 光伏发电系统结构及工作原理    11
    3.1光伏阵列    11
    3.2蓄电池组    11
    3.3逆变器    11
    第四章 校园照明系统设计    14
    4.1系统结构和工作原理    14
    4.2系统硬件设计    14
    4.2.1中心控制模块    14
    4.2.2光照检测电路    14
    4.3热释电传感器及处理电路    14
    4.3.1热释电红外线传感器    14
    4.3.2信号处理电路    15
    4.4控制电路    15
    4.4.1延时时间选择电路    15
    4.4.2输出控制电路    16
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