


    毕业论文关键词:伪微分反馈控制 直流电机 PCI卡 CAE-PCI计算机辅助系统

    Abstract Motor as the main electromechanical energy conversion device, to a very important role in the production of human life play. For a long-term , because of its speed regulation of DC motor in a more flexible, the method is simple, smooth timing in a wide range, the control performance is good, has held a dominant position in the field of transmission. Various control algorithms are also constantly in the development, its function can be extended.

    In this paper, the direct use of the pseudo derivative feedback control (referred to as PDF) control algorithm for system design and development. Discussion on the control principle of mechanism, and how to determine the control parameter in the control system and is deduced, convenient and reliable control of DC motor, the design of PC+ data acquisition card based on "(PCI)" control system. And through the CAE-PCI computer aided system call data acquisition control movement function library card, and the dynamic change of pulse frequency, control the steering and speed of motor, the DC motor speed control. Experiments show that the system can well meet the requirements of control. 

    Key words: PDF  DC motor  PCI card  CAE-PCI computer aided system


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1直流电机的发展史 1

    1.2直流电机在控制系统中的应用与发展 2

    1.3直流伺服电机的控制要求 3

    1.4本课题的研究内容与意义 3

    第二章 直流电机与相关控制算法 4

    2.1直流电机的基本结构 4

    2.2直流电机的调速特性 6

    2.3直流电机的机械特性 6

    第三章 CAE-PCI计算机辅助实验系统 10

    3.1 CAE-PCI计算机辅助实验系统简介 10

    3.2直流伺服电机控制系统软件的设计 15

    3.3 XMN-2 型《自动控制原理》 17

    第四章 各种控制算法的说明 18

    4.1 普通控制方法的介绍: 18

    4.2 PDF 伪微分反馈控制的推导 19

    第五章 控制系统相关设计 24

    5.1 设计的相关说明介绍 25

    5.2被控对象直流电机数学模型 25

    5.3 PDF控制系统的设计

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