

    毕业论文关键词:变电站,短路电流 ,电气主接线,防雷与接地,直流电源。

    Abstract:The substation has a main transformer station 35kV and 10kV main connection into two voltage levels. Two voltage levels are used in wiring a single bus. 

    The graduation project from the engineering point of view, in accordance with the principles and methods of substation design, while adhering to the latest standards and design specifications countries, combined with the specific circumstances of the actual production, integrated wiring in the economy, flexibility, reliability, three aspects are compared to determine the main electrical wiring design, as well as the main transformer capacity, number of units, the wiring and the neutral point operation mode. Then on the basis of short-circuiting the system set point, thereby short-circuit current calculation, and the selection of circuit breakers, disconnectors, current transformers, voltage transformers, high-voltage electrical appliances, etc. as well as bus, overhead lines based on their calculations and parity. In addition to the entire system grounding and lightning protection design, thus completing the first part of the electrical design

    Keywords:Substation, short-circuit current, main electrical wiring, lightning protection and grounding, DC.


    1绪论 5

    1.1我国电力工业发展历程及水平 5

    1.2变电站的组成 5

    1.3 35kV变电站设计总则 6

    1.4本文的主要内容 6

    2 变电站设计基本原理 6

    2.1主接线的设计原则和要求 6

    2.1.1 主接线的设计原则 6

    2.1.2主接线设计的基本要求 7

    2.2变压器的选择 9

    2.2.1 主变压器台数的选择与确定 9

    2.2.2变压器型式的选择原则 9

    2.2.3变压器容量的确定 10

    2.3短路电流计算 11

    2.3.1短路计算的目的、规定与步骤 11

    2.3.2  短路计算的一般规定 12

    2.3.3电动机对短路电流的影响 12

    2.4 电气设备选择 13

    2.4.1断路器的选择与校验 13

    2.4.2隔离开关的选择及校验 13

    2.4.3电流互感器的选择及校验 14

    2.4.4电压互感器的选择及校验 15

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