    本课题以固高公司球杆系统为研究对象,以PID控制为原理,运用Matlab实时控制软件对球杆系统进行PID控制器的设计,得出相应结论。首先,在分析球杆系统构成及工作原理的基础上,运用电学、牛顿力学建立球杆系统的数学模型,得到球杆系统的传递函数,并以此为对象,在Simulink中进行了模型的搭建。其次,以P、I、D控制为原理,分析球杆系统的稳定性后,设计了增量式PID控制器,课题通过对不同PID控制参数下球杆系统动态响应波形的分析,进行了控制器的整定,得出了 ,  和 三者之间的关系。最后,通过Simulink进行了球杆系统的PID控制器的实时控制,对其性能指标进行分析。10184
    Design of PID controller of ball-beam system
    Abstract:Ball and beam system, which has a series of advantages such as the mechanical structure is simple, compact structure, high safety , is widely concerned and adopted in high-tech areas. For exapmle, in the field of biology, medicine, ecology , economic , social and other high-tech background . with the development of the automatic control system, it can reflect the robustness in the control process and many of the key problems.the Ball and beam system systems is become more and more important.
    This dissertation, based on the linear inverted Pendulum of Googol ComPany,In PID control for the principle. Using Matlab software for real-time control system for the Ball and beam system PID controller design , drawing the appropriate conclusions.Firstly, in the analysis of system structure and working principle of the club , based on the use of electricity, Newtonian mechanics, the mathematical model of the system to establish the club , the club obtained the transfer function of the system and use it as an object , carried out in Simulink model structures .Secondly, making the P, I, D control as principle, analyze the stability of Ball and beam systems,then design of the incremental PID controller PID control subjects through different parameters on the dynamic response waveform cue analysis, carried out control the tuning, drawn , and the relationship between ,  and .Finally, analyzing the Ball and beam system performance by Simulink of real-time control of PID controller .
    Key words:  Ball and beam system; PID controller; MATLAB simulation
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题提出的意义    1
    1.2 球杆系统在现实中的应用    2
    1.3 本课题的工作及主要内容    2
    2 PID控制理论基础    4
    2.1 PID控制介绍    4
    2.1.1 PID控制原理及特点    4
    2.1.2 PID参数整定     5
    2.3  PID控制的MATLAB/SIMULINK应用    6
    3 球杆系统的结构与数学模型    8
    3.1 系统简述    8
    3.1.1 球杆系统的机械部分    8
    3.1.2 IPM100智能伺服驱动    9
    3.2 球杆系统的机械模型    10
    3.3 球杆系统的电气模型    12
    3.4 在Simulink中建立的球杆系统模型    14
    4 球杆系统的PID控制器    19
    4.1    球杆系统的稳定性分析    19
    4.2 球杆系统的PID控制器设计    20
    4.3闭环系统仿真    21
    4.4 与根轨迹控制器的比较    29
    4.4.1 根轨迹法的介绍    29
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