摘要如今随着传感器技术和嵌入式技术的发展和进步,越来越多的嵌入式智能设备出 现在公众的视野中。与此同时,Android 系统由于其开放性和开发的方便性成为移动 端最为普及的操作系统,Android 的这些特点使他成为了开发者开发各式系统移动客 户端的主流选择之一。本课题研究的是基于 Android 的智能小车蓝牙测控系统,本系 统以 Android 作为上位机的运行平台,通过手机自带的蓝牙与下位机的蓝牙模块连接, 实现了上位机对智能小车的实时控制,同时智能小车还可以通过蓝牙将摄像头数据回 传给上位机。83354
智能小车蓝牙测控系统的下位机部分以飞思卡尔(现 NXP 公司)的 KL26ARM Cortex-M0+芯片为核心控制单元,实现下位机的命令接收及小车的方向与速度控制。 上位机部分本系统选择在 Android 平台上完成开发,通过多线程技术实现界面更新与 后台数据处理同步进行。系统选用蓝牙作为上下位机通信的手段,实现了短距离数据 的实时交互与传输。
本设计主要涵盖了系统的相关软件、硬件设计及原理说明。具体包括整体方案的 设计、小车机械结构设计、小车控制电路板设计、传感器及控制模块的选型及安装、 智能小车软件设计、移动端上位机设计。经过反复的测试,可以证明本系统方案稳定 性良好,对于未来无线测控系统和智能汽车的研究有一定的参考价值。
Abstract With development of sensor and embedded technology, more and more embedded intelligent devices appear in the public field of vision。 At the same time, the Android system become the most popular operating system in the mobile due to its open and development convenience。 These characteristics of Android make it become the best choice for developers to develop all kinds of mobile clients。 The title of subject is Smartcar Bluetooth Measurement and Control System based on Android。 The system use Android as the running platform of upper computer。 The upper computer will connect the Bluetooth module of lower computer by mobile phone Bluetooth。 The upper computer will control the smart car as well as get the camera data from the smart car through Bluetooth connect。
The lower computer of the Smart Car Bluetooth Measurement and Control System based on Android adopts KL26ARM Cortex-M0+ which is designed by Freescale (NXP) as the main control unit。 We can receive command of the upper computer and control both the speed and the direction of the smart car。 The system use Android as the develop platform of the upper computer。 We can update the UI and handle the data at the same time by using the multi threading technology。 Bluetooth is used as the upper and lower computer communication means to realize the real-time interaction and transmission of data。
This design will contain the software and hardware design and the theory of all parts of the system。 The content will include design of the overall system, the mechanical structure design, the control circuit board design, the selection and installation of sensor and control module, the smart car software design and the mobile APP design。 After repeated tests, it can be proved that this system is very stability。 The design has a certain reference value for the future of wireless measurement and control system as well as intelligent vehicle。
Keywords: Smart Car, Android, Bluetooth, Multithreading , Data transfer
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景及意义 1
1。3 本章小结 3
第二章 整体方案设计