摘要在我国机械制造行业,都非常关注切削介质所产生的切削对环境的污染,以 及传统切削中切削液对环境的污染和对加工工人的损害。怎么样减小这些伤害, 已经是机械制造业关注的重点。因为微量润滑的润滑液使用非常少,而且冷却效 果也非常好,所以微量润滑受到了我国机械制造业的关注。但是,微量润滑不是 没有缺点的,切削液产生的油雾浓度过高也会给环境带来污染同时加工的工人身 体也会受到不同程度的伤害。因此,我们应该从保障切削环境空气质量安全的角 度出发,保障工作人员的身体健康,对微量润滑切削时的润滑油雾化特性、切削 油雾的浓度以及微量润滑切削条件下的环境空气质量检测进行了深入研究。文章 主要工作如下:83828

(1)进行不同冷却润滑参数和切削参数条件下的微量润滑切削试验,基于气 溶胶分布和重量分析,研究各参数对切削空气质量的影响,优化各参数。

(2)记录实验数据,认真学习计算公式,通过公式算出实验的最终数据,再 通过画折线图以及柱状图和数据表格处理数据。

(3)通过 FA-3 型气溶胶粒度采样器,采集空气中油雾的粒子,从而算出油雾 的浓度与润滑油用量、靶距、主轴转速的关系,来分析润滑油用量、靶距、主轴 转速对油雾浓度的影响,通过实验得出在加工中最实用及最理想的润滑油用量、 靶距距离、主轴的转速。


Abstract Cutting air pollution and environmental quality and safety of the cutting medium is one of the problems of China's machinery manufacturing industry。 MQL cutting its good overall performance of the cooling, lubrication, chip, low pollution has been widespread concern in the industry, promotion and application。 However, micro-mist lubrication cutting cutting cutting produced will worsen local air quality,  and endanger the health of workers。 Therefore, we should protect the ambient air quality cutting safety point of view, to protect the health of staff, and atomization characteristics of lubricating oil MQL cutting, the concentration of cutting oil  mist and ambient air quality testing under MQL cutting conditions in-depth study。 The article follows:

(1)MQL cutting test under different cooling and lubrication parameters and cutting parameters conditions, the analysis based on the weight of aerosol distribution and to study the effect of various parameters on cutting air quality, optimize the parameters。

(2)record the experimental data, to seriously study the formula, the formula calculates the final data by experiment, and then by drawing a line chart and a bar graph and table data processing data。

(3)FA-3 by the aerosol particle sampler, collecting mist particles in the air, so as to calculate the concentration and amount of the lubricating oil mist, the target distance, the rotational speed of the spindle, to analyze the amount of the lubricating oil, target distance, the spindle Effect of speed on the oil mist concentration was obtained by experiments in processing the most practical and the ideal amount of lubricant, the target distance from the spindle speed。

Key words: Micro lubrication cutting technology; oil mist concentration;PM10;

第一章 绪论 1

1。1  课题研究背景与意义 1

1。2 微量润滑技术研究现状 2

1。2。1 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 3

1。3 切削环境空气质量安全研究与检测标准 3

1。3。1  切削油雾的生成机理











