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时间:2020-03-25 21:18来源:毕业论文
[27]Xiaobing Yu, Shunsheng Guo, Jun Guo, Xiaorong Huang. Rank B2C e-commerce websites in e-alliance based on AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS . Elsevier. 2010,8(143):3550-3557 [28]Oliver H,Il-Horn H,Mar

[27]Xiaobing Yu, Shunsheng Guo, Jun Guo, Xiaorong Huang. Rank B2C e-commerce websites in e-alliance based on AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS . Elsevier. 2010,8(143):3550-3557

[28]Oliver H,Il-Horn H,Martin S.Price Discrimination In E-commerce An Examination Of Dynamic Pricing In Name-Your-Own Price Markets .MIS Quarterly.2011,35(1):81-98

[29]Mustafa I. Eid .Determinants Of E-commerce Customer Satisfaction, Trust, And Loyalty In Sandi Arabia .Journal of Electronic Commerce Research .2011,12(1):78-93

[30]Ying Fang .A Model for E-commerce Risk Assessment with Uncertain Linguistic Information.Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences.2011,3(7):296-301
