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时间:2016-11-29 10:13来源:毕业论文

关键词: 机械设计;注塑模;ECO座 4039
Inject mold Design of ECO Base
Abstract: The product is a part of the microwave oven. The design requirements of molding material is ABS, shrinkage rate of 0.5%. The number of cavities for a mold four cavity. It is one of the supporting parts injection mold design. So the appearance of the surface quality requirements. The surface does not allow left clear traces, by using the basic theory, methods and skills of the professional knowledge and related professional, comprehensive use, according to the structure of the product and the combination of product quality requirements, has carried on the detailed design to the gate, parting line, thimble, material selection, structure, mold ejecting mechanism, molding parts, mold temperature control system, the selection of equipment etc.. Designed with the actual production levels, mould structure with advanced, reasonable technology, with high economic performance, manufacturing process and formulate the main parts, to solve specific problems of material forming process.
Key words: Mechanical design; Injection mould; ECO base
目  录
1  绪论  1
1.1  引言 1
1.2  毕业设计应达到的要求 2
2  塑件工艺性分析  3
2.1  材料的选择 3
2.1.1  材料的基本特性 3
2.1.2  材料的主要用途 4
2.1.3  材料的成型特点 4
3  塑件结构分析  5
3.1  塑件尺寸精度分析 5
3.2  塑件表面质量分析 5
3.3  塑件的壁厚 6
3.4  脱模斜度 6
3.5  圆角 6
3.6  孔的设计 6
4  注塑机的型号和规格的选择及校核  7
4.1  初选注射机 7
4.2  注塑量校核 7
4.3  锁模力校核 8
4.4  注射压力的校核 9
5  确定成型工艺参数  10
5.1  温度 10
5.2  压力 10
5.3  时间 10
6  分型面的选择  11
7  浇注系统的设计  12
7.1  主流道的设计 12
7.2  分流道的设计 12
7.3  浇口设计 13
7.4  冷料井的设计 14
7.5  排溢系统设计 14
8  成型零件的工作形式计算及结构形式  16
8.1  模具材料的选择 16
8.2  型腔的尺寸计算 17
8.2.1  塑件的收缩率 17
8.2.2  模具成型零件的制造误差 17
8.2.3  径向尺寸计算 17
8.2.4  型腔深度的计算 18
8.3  型芯尺寸计算 18
8.4  中心距离的尺寸计算 19
9  注塑模结构类型及模架的选用  20
9.1  确定模架组合形式 20
9.2  确定型腔侧壁厚度 20
9.3  确定模板厚度 21
9.4  选择模架类型 21
9.5  检验所选模架 21
10  导柱导向机构的设计  22
10.1  导套和导柱 22
10.1.1  导柱 22
10.1.2  导套 22
10.2  合模导向机构的设计 22
11  推出机构的设计  24
11.1  推出力F计算 24 ECO座成型工艺及注射模设计论文+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_515.html