A Contrastive Study ofChinese & American Massive Open Online EFL Courses from the Perspective of Multi-modal Analysis
Abstract MOOC is an abbreviation of Massive Open Online Courses。 As a new trend of contemporary education, it breaks the limitation of place and time in traditional classes。 Students have more independence while taking online courses。 But, among all kinds of MOOCs, EFL MOOCs only count a small part。 Chinese EFL courses are still at a groping stage。
America has richer experience both in second language teaching and online education。 Comparing American EFL online classes to Chinese one is of great importance to the future development of Chinese EFL online courses。88919
Considered that listening & speaking courses are good at using resources and teaching methods, this paper selects 4 listening & speaking classes from 2 MOOC platforms through purposive sampling method and analyzes the text and videos both verbal and nonverbal perspectives with a multimodal approach。
The analysis shows great difference between Chinese and American Listening & Speaking EFL MOOCs in terms of verbal and nonverbal aspects。 More specifically, their use of speech, text, body language and other resources shows that American teachers are much more aware of interactions between teacher and students while Chinese teachers pay more attention to delivering itself。 And we can also tell the difference on their teaching style with multimodal analysis。 Based on the result, this paper provides some suggestions for future Chinese EFL MOOCs。 Meanwhile, these Suggestions also apply to most of face-to-face EFL classes。 Chinese teachers can try more interactive structures and scaffolding techniques to create a less formal learning environment。 Questions and body language used in American MOOCs can good examples for Chinese MOOCs。 Chinese EFL teachers can try to combine strengths of American & Chinese MOOCs while making improvement。来自优Q尔W论E文R网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201.8766
Keywords: MOOC, Multi-modal Analysis, Chinese & American EFL classes, listening & speaking
摘要慕课即为大型在线开放课程的缩写, 是当代教育的一股新潮流。它打破了传统教学时间空间上的 限制, 并给与学生更多自主选择权利。 但是,众多慕课之中,英语类慕课的数量并不多,国内的英 语类慕课还处于探索阶段。
无论是在线开放课程还是二语教学,美国都有更长的实践时间以及更为丰富的教学经验。因此, 进行中美开放课程的对比研究十分重要。由于听说类课程对资源的综合运用上最为成熟,对教学方式 的体现最为全面,本文通过立意抽样的方法分别选取了中美各两节听说课程,运用文本分析,多模态 软件分析的方法对中美外语类在线课程进行语言和非语言层面的分析,并对分析结果进行归纳总结。 分析表明,中美英语口语类开放类课程在言语和非言语层面都有较大的差距。具体而言,即中美 教师在语言,文字,肢体语言及其他教学资源的运用上有较为显著的差别。美国教师更注重与学生间 的互动,而中国教师则更看重知识传递本身。多模态分析的结果还揭示了中美英语慕课教学风格的曲 别。基于分析,本文为未来中国英语类慕课的发展提供了一些建议。这些建议同样适用于大多数的线 下课堂的发展进步。中国老师可以尝试更多运用互动行技巧和脚手架理论来创建一个非正式的学习环 境。美国教师在英语类慕课中的提问和肢体语言使用技巧可以成为一个良好的借鉴。中国英语教师可
毕业论文关键词:慕课;多模态分析;中美课程对比;英语课程;听说课程 中美英语口语类慕课多模态对比分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_173547.html