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Design of RF MEMS Based Tunable Cell for CRLH Transmission Line(4)

时间:2017-01-03 19:17来源:英语论文
TL theory extended to 2D (or 3D) [9] [10]. Assuming that the electrical size of the unit cell is small enough (pg) and defining the series and shunt resonances respectively, by, The phase constant var

TL theory extended to 2D (or 3D) [9] [10]. Assuming that the electrical size of the unit
cell is small enough (p<<λg) and defining the series and shunt resonances respectively,
by, The phase constant  β  vary depending on whether the radicand is positive or
negative. It can be purely real or purely imaginary, respectively. When it is purely real,
a stop band occurs as shown in Fig.2(c) since  γ=α. This stop band is the unique
characteristic of the CRLH TL.
A particularly interesting situation occurs when the series and shunt resonances are
equal, as shown below:
� Design of RF MEMS Based Tunable Cell for CRLH Transmission Line(4):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_1769.html