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时间:2018-09-05 16:04来源:英语论文
毕业论文 关键词:社会翻译学,中国翻译史,社会属性 CONTENTS Acknowledgments i Abstract ii 摘要 iii 1 Introduction1 2 Theoretical Background 3 2.1 Micro Translation Studies 3 2

Acknowledgments    i
Abstract    ii
摘要    iii
1 Introduction1
2 Theoretical Background    3
2.1 Micro Translation Studies    3
2.1.1 Characteristics of Micro Translation Studies    3
2.1.2 Limitations of Micro Translation Studies    4
2.2 Macro Translation Studies    4
2.2.1 Origin of Macro Translation Studies    4
2.2.2 Superiority of Macro Translation Studies    5
2.3 Three Schools of Sociology Translation    5
2.3.1 Theory of Social Practice    5
2.3.2 Theory of Social Systems    6
2.3.3 Theory of Social Network    7
2.3.4 Summary    8
3 Four Climaxes in Chinese Translation History    10
3.1 Climax 1: Eastern Han Dynasty - Earlier Song Dynasty    10
3.2 Climax 2: Late Ming Dynasty - Opium War    12
3.3 Climax 3: May 4th Movement - the Foundation of PRC    13
3.4 Climax 4: The Foundation of PRC - Now    15
4 Analysis on the Social Attributes of Translation    17
4.1 Analysis on Climax 1: The Influence of Religion    17
4.2 Analysis on Climax 2: Attraction of Western Learning    19
4.3 Analysis on Climax 3: Inspiration of Patriotism    20
4.4 Analysis on Climax 4: Catering for the Need of Development    22
5 Conclusion    24
Bibliography    26
 1 Introduction
What is translation? Translation, defined in Columbia Encyclopedia, is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor. In other words, the meaning, purpose and style of the original piece of writing should not be altered or distorted, but equally or most closely duplicated and represented. Actually, translation is a kind of disciplinary system and the study about translation can be traced back to two thousand years ago. Thanks to James Holmes, a well-known translation theorist, translation came to be recognized as an independent discipline by most people. In his famous thesis the Name and Nature of Translation Studies, he pointed out for the first time that translation studies should be an independent discipline and deserved more emphasis. Nowadays, translation studies are persified and many great achievements have been obtained. On the basis of the methodology and attributes of studies, translation can be generally pided into four categories: 1) translation based on linguistics; 2) translation based on culture; 3) translation based on cognitive science; 4) translation based on Sociology. In this thesis, special attention will be focused on the last category, which is also called Sociology Translation.
Being a further development upon the study of translation based on culture, Sociology Translation lays great emphasis on the interaction between translation and social activities. It cares more about what impact social factors have on translation activities and how these translation products influence social reform and social development. During recent studies, the following three scholars, namely the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and Bruno Latour, as well as the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann have made great contributions to the development of Sociology Translation. Bourdieu’s Theory of Social Practice, Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems and Latour’s Theory of Social Network, have together paved the way for today’s study on Sociology Translation, whose great innovation can never be ignored as far as the existing academic achievements and the promising future development are concerned. Only on the basis of their theories can we understand more profoundly of Sociology Translation. In this paper, their theories will work as a root to analyze Sociology Translation in China. Sociology Translation is an extremely large and complex discipline, the study of which needs lots of time and efforts. It is almost impossible to cover all the aspects in this thesis. Therefore, the thesis will present a brief analysis on the social attributes of translation from the perspective of Chinese translation history. 从中国翻译史角度浅谈翻译的社会属性(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_22394.html