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时间:2018-12-03 17:43来源:英语论文
The Analysis of the Identity Crisis of the Main Characters in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain英语论文《人性的污点》中主要人物的身份危机与社会原因的分析

关键词  身份危机  社会原因  人性的污秽  社会的污秽 
Title   The Analysis of the Identity Crisis of the Main Characters in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain.
The Human Stain is the last novel of Philip Roth’s famous thematic “American Trilogy”. The story tells the tragic life of a black man Coleman Silk who pretends to be a Jew. This paper mainly analyses the identity crisis that the three characters face and the social causes of their identity crisis. Part one presents a brief introduction of the identity crisis facing the characters: Coleman Silk’s racial identity crisis and the conflict it brings to him in his family; Faunia Farley’s status downfall and the concealment of her literacy; Lester Farley’s loss of sense. Part two reveals the social causes of the identity crisis in this novel: racialism and the persecuting spirit for Coleman Silk, sexism and classism for Faunia Farley and the PDST caused by The Vietnam War for Lester Farley. Finally, the author makes a conclusion that the social stain suggests the society dominated by upper class white men.
Keywords   identity crisis  social cause  the human stain  the social stain.
Table of Contents
1  Introduction 2
2  Identity Crisis of the Characters in The Human Stain5
2.1 Racial Identity Crisis for Coleman Silk 5
2.2 Faunia Farley’s Status downfall6
2.3 Lester Farley’s loss of sense 7
3  The Social Causes of the Identity Crisis8
3.1 Racialism and Persecuting Spirit (Coleman Silk) 8
3.2 Sexism and Classism (Faunia Farley)9
3.3 The Vietnam War (Lester Farley)10
3.4 The Social Stain---the White Dominated Society10
  Conclusion 12
References 14
1 Introduction
The Human Stain is one of the novels of Philip Roth’s famous “American Trilogy”, and the other works are I Married a Communist and American Pastoral. All these works reveal the darkness of American society, which helped Roth lay his foundation on American literature. After the publication of this excellent novel The Human Stain, it was recommended by many media like the New York Times Review. And the next year Phillip Roth won the Faulkner Award for this excellent work.
The overseas studies on the works of Phillip Roth are relatively complete because of its early start and large number of scholars. On the contrary, the domestic studies started late and few scholar pay their attention to this field. There are a lot of study results about his work overseas. For example, Timothy Parrish’s book: The Cambridge Companion To Philip Roth (Parrish, 2007). In this monograph, the author introduce Phillip Roth himself and his works in detail.
After the publication of The “American trilogy” , an increasing number of scholars become interesting in the theme American dreams. For example, Wenjing He sketches out how the three main characters pursuit their dreams, the meaning of their dreams and the fundamental reason for the loss of their dreams (He, 2011). Lei Yin analyses the three different forms of American dreams and the reasons behind the loss of the dream. (Yin, 2010). Mei Luo generally summarizes the American dreams in different literature works in American history (Luo, 2008). 《人性的污点》中主要人物的身份危机与社会原因的分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_27007.html