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时间:2019-04-30 19:39来源:英语论文
Power Of Philanthropy To Save A Soul,英语论文《悲惨世界》博爱人道主义心理暗示

Acknowledgments  One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution, without which the path to the finishing line would have been a whole lot more bumpy. 35013
Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who have helped me to finish thepaper. Without their help, I am sure that I will not accomplish this thesis successfully. 
Firstly, I would like to give my thanks to all the leaders and professors from Foreign Languages College of Technology, who offer me profound knowledge and devoted attention during my four years study.
Among them, I am especially grateful to Mrs. my respected supervisor. Out of her busy work in the college, she has spared no efforts in helping me with my dissertation and her encouragement and constructive suggestion give me the confidence to go on with my paper. She read through my rough paper carefully and made some meticulous revision in my both grammar and writing format.
Secondly, I should offer my gratitude to my great school. The library rendered me unlimited and precious information.
Thirdly, I want to express my thanks to all my classmates. In the four years study, they are always my faithful friends. Accompanied by them, my college life will be unforgettable memory throughout my life.
This paper owes much too many to my respectable teachers and classmates for their support and encouragement.
Les Miserables is a long novel written by French Victor Hugo and published in 1862, covering the Napoleonic wars and the next immediate ten years, it is one of the most famous novels of the nineteenth century. The main story revolves around the protagonist --Jean Valjean's personal experience in the background of French revolution, war, moral philosophy, religion, law, justice.

Because of stealing a bread to relieve his nephew, Jean Valjean was taken prisoner and spent nineteen years in jail ever since. He did not believe in law, so no matter how heavy penalty was for him, it just could not change him. While what the bishop did to him when he attempted his second theft saved him and his soul finally with his philanthropy for him. Although the penalty and legislation is the mainstream of punishment for social order, but in Les Miserables, Jean Valjean's experience tells us the walls of prison can imprison people's soul, while the power of love can save people's soul. And sometimes it can do even better.

Based on the original story of the famous French writer Victor Hugo’s novel Les Miserables, this paper is meant to reveal a truth that, apart from social penalty and legislation, the power of philanthropy can also change a man’s soul, even a criminal’s soul. It can be very conducive to social stability, and very helpful in the establishment of a harmonious society through elaborating on how large effect love can make on people and even on a criminal in its psychological implications. The conception of this subject is to bring the “soul shock” of this classic novel to the level of today’s social justice, to apply the practical significance of that classic novel to nowadays society in order to let the past serve the present. That is the positive energy of love in all human society.
Key Words: Victor Hugo, philanthropy, redemption, humanitarianism
摘要《悲惨世界》是由法国大作家文克多•雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。故事的主线围绕主人公土伦苦刑犯冉•阿让(Jean Valjean)的个人经历,再现了当年法国的历史、革命、战争、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰等历史背景。
 冉阿让因为偷一条面包救济外甥而坐牢十九年的囚犯,原本只判五年徒刑,但由于他并不信任法律,屡屡越狱以致罪刑加重。假释后他受神父启发向上,改名当上市长。他不信任法律,再重的刑罚都无法改变他,但是神父却用爱的力量感动了他的灵魂,虽然刑罚和法律是社会的主流的惩罚方式,但是《悲惨世界》中冉阿让的经历告诉我们虽然监狱的围墙可以强行禁锢人的灵魂,博爱的力量更能拯救人的灵魂。爱的力量达到社会稳定,有利于和谐社会的建立。 《悲惨世界》博爱人道主义心理暗示:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_32757.html