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时间:2017-02-23 13:04来源:英语论文
However, the relationship between faithfulness and beauty has been disputable in the translation circle for a long time. It seems that translators could not achieve them both at the same time. In tran

However, the relationship between faithfulness and beauty has been disputable in the translation circle for a long time. It seems that translators could not achieve them both at the same time. In translation, some people hold strongly that beauty and truth are contradictory. Even Lu Xun (see 杨,2007: 13) chose “rather to be faithful in thought than smooth in the language” during his process of translation. But the translated version will be boring and tasteless if this principle is mechanically followed. And it also betrays the original will of literature, seeking beauty. 英文论文汉语叠词的英译(4):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_3315.html