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时间:2019-11-24 13:46来源:英语论文
1. 1 Research BackgroundWith the continuous deepening of Chinese market, the development of the realestate market has grown out of nothing and expanded from small to large. The processis short and the

1. 1 Research BackgroundWith the continuous deepening of Chinese market, the development of the realestate market has grown out of nothing and expanded from small to large. The processis short and the marketization development degree is imperfect, so there are still manyproblems existing in the real estate market. One of them is that the marketing conceptfall behind the development of market, resulting in unreasonable real estate productsstructure. On the one hand, a large number of unsalable houses greatly influence thesubsistence and development of the real estate enterprise. On the other hand, it isdifficult for people to buy the suitable houses, which hinders the growth of livingstandard and the stabilization of society.“The current real estate market is changing massively, the competition isbecoming more and more intense.”(Kotler,& Armstrong, 2001, p.486) What’s more,The government's macro-control policy has been introduced: strict control of landtransfer, tight money policy, charging inpidual home loan interest, the new taxpolicy, etc. It is no doubt that there are lots of challenges in the real estate market. So,This paper aims to discuss the innovation of Real Estate Marketing Strategy byanalyzing the marketing strategy of Longfor Real Estate Co.Ltd..
1.2 Significance of the Research The real estate market has been transformed from market controlled by seller toby buyer. Estate agents are faced with fierce competition. And the real estate markethas increasingly become the new favorite of many enterprises which want to competefor more market share. Although it has experienced a long time to explore, developersand marketers have begun to deal with the marketing value with a rational perspective.But many people have not fundamentally understand the reasonable kernel of RealEstate Marketing , blindly using some popular strategies for marketing activities. Infact, they usually lose more than they gain.In view of the current situation, there is no doubt that studying the theory andpractice of real estate marketing is of great significance.
1.3 Frame of the ResearchThe paper will start with the development and marketing strategy concept ofreal estate industry. Then, the SWOT analysis will be introduced bravely. Next, thepaper will explain and conclude the marketing strategy of Longfor Real Estate Co.Ltd.and discuss the innovation of Real Estate Marketing Strategy. Finally, it will draw aconclusion:Chapter one: It puts forward the purpose and significance of the study. And it pointsout the main idea and the frame of the paper.Chapter two: This chapter makes a detailed description of the study throughexplaining the overview and definition of the Real Estate Marketing Strategy. Then, itbriefly introduces the method of Real Estate Marketing Strategy, and lays thefoundation for the discussion of Longfor’s Real Estate Marketing Strategy. At the same time, it describes the real estate market at home and abroad.Chapter three: This chapter deals with the research design including the investigationcarried out by the writer and and the analysis of SWOT, on the basis of which, theresearch is conducted.Chapter four: This chapter will focuses on the analysis of Longfor real estate in thecompany's overall strategy and regional expansion strategy based on the SWOTanalysis of Longfor real estate. It includes product modular strategy, experientialmarketing strategy, advertising and public relations strategy, etc. Then it will show theviews and opinions on innovation of Real Estate Marketing Strategy.Chapter five:This chapter will draw the conclusion of Real Estate Marketing Strategy.
