Abstract The twenty-first century is an era of Internet. With the development of technology and economy, online shopping is becoming a fashion trend and attracts people of different ages with different occupations. As young intellectuals, college students not only master network skill well, but also show much curiosity about new things. They are interested in the fashion trend and full of enthusiasm for online shopping. It is true that college students are becoming the main force of online shopping. However, as a special consumer group, on the one hand, they have strong consumption demands, on the other hand, they have not yet economically independent. As a result, their consumer behavior has been greatly restricted. Under this circumstance, it is important to analysis college students’ online shopping motivation, not only for college students themselves, but also for all the parties which are involved in online shopping. This paper carries on questionnaire survey among students of every grade in Jiangsu Normal University. It mainly discusses the result of the questionnaire and analyzes college students’ online shopping motivations. It concludes that seeking cheap and convenience as well as conformist mentality are the three main motivations which make college students shop online. Meanwhile, it put forward some suggestions to the parties involved in online shopping after presenting the disadvantages of it. 41977
Key words: college students online shopping purchase motivation
摘要 21 世纪是互联网的时代。随着科技和经济的发展,网购逐渐成为一种潮流并且吸引着不同年龄段和不同职业的人。大学生作为新时代的年轻知识分子不仅掌握着熟练的网络技巧,并且对新鲜事物充满了好奇心。他们热衷于追求潮流,探索新鲜事物,对网购更是充满了热情,正在成为网购的中坚力量。然而,作为特殊的消费群体,一方面他们有很强的购物需求,另一方面他们还没有经济独立。因此,他们的购物行为受到很大的限制。在此情形下,分析大学生的网络购买动机就变得十分重要,不仅对大学生本身而言很重要,而且对网购中其他的参与方也很重要。本文通过对江苏师范大学各年级在校大学生进行问卷调查,主要讨论问卷调查的结果并由此分析大学生网络购买动机。求廉,求便和从众心理是大学生网购的主要动机。同时文章在最后指出网购的劣势并对参与网购的各方提出自己的意见和建议。
毕业论文关键词:大学生 网购 购买动机
Abst ra ct ⅰ
摘要 ⅱ
Contents ⅲ
Chapte r One Int roduc t ion 1
Chapte r Two Lite ra ture Review3
2 1 De f i n i t io n o f O n l i n e S ho p p i n g3
2 2 D e f i n i t i o n o f mo t i v a t i o n 3
23 Two ma in t heo r ie s o f p ur c ha se mot i va t io n4
2 4 Ma in t yp e s o f mo t i va t io n5
Chapte r Thre e Me thodology6
31Re se a rch que s t io ns and content 6
32 Purpose of the rese arch6
33 Resea rch subjec t 6
34 Re se a rch me thodology7
35 Ques t ionna ire s7
Chapte r Four Re sults and Discus s ion8
41The result and the ana lys is of the result of the ques t ionna ires12
42 The mot iva t ion for college students’ onl ine shopping14
43 The disadvantages of online shopping 15
44 Ad vic e1 5 英语论文大学生网络购物动机分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_42244.html