Abstract Poetry is called “the summit of literature”, “the highest form of literature”, which is characterized by specific images, strict rhythm and concise language. These unique characteristics are big challenges for the translators in classical Chinese poetry translation. 42626
This paper researches on the translation of Tang poetry, discussing the meaning and evolution of images in Chinese and Western culture as well as the influence on translation of poetry. This paper is made up of four chapters. Chapter one is Introduction, which introduces the main research question and the purpose of the study. In chapter two, Literature Review, it introduces definition and origin of Image and analyzes research situation of the image translation. Chapter three Major Findings and Discussion selects translations of two representative translators, Ezra Pound and Xu Yuanchong, to make case analysis, and then concludes the image translation strategy of acculturation. Conclusion part summarizes the whole paper and emphasizes the importance of the image translation in poetry translation.
Although this paper primarily discusses and researches on image translation, the author still lacks the practice in translating Chinese ancient poems. The limitations in this paper need further study and improvement.
Key words: images poetry translation Tang poetry translation strategy
毕业论文关键词:意象 诗歌翻译 唐诗 翻译策略
Abstract i
摘要 ..ii
Contents .iii
Chapter One Introduction .1
Chapter Two Literature Review 2
2.1 Definition of Image .2
2.2 Origin of Image ... 2
2.3 Research Situation of Image Translation .........................................4
Chapter Three Major Findings and Discussion ..........5
3.1 Ezra Pound’s Image Translation in Tang Poetry .....................5
3.1.1 Brief Introduction of Pound ...........................................5 唐诗英译中的文化意象转换:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_43120.html