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时间:2020-03-08 20:57来源:英语论文
Methieu Guideres Translating Ads (2000) aims to describe interactions between translation and advertising within the context of globalization. Actually, it deals with the international advertising of

Methieu Guidere’s Translating Ads (2000) aims to describe interactions between translation and advertising within the context of globalization. Actually, it deals with the international advertising of multinational corporations, which increasingly needs to translate their advertisements into several languages. In his view, the translator should be aiming at an “effective” text, which sells the advertised product or service in the target culture. ( Guidere, 89)
As a rule, an advertisement consists of a few words smooth to read and easy to remember. They are brief, clear, attractive and persuasive. So far, few scholars have found a theory guiding the advertisement translation. Thus the author considers that Nida’s functional equivalence theory can be regarded as the guidance to advertisement translation. This paper explores the relation between perfume advertisement translation and the functional equivalence theory to indicate the importance of achieving functional equivalence between original texts and that of the target. 功能对等理论指导下的香水广告语翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_47848.html