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时间:2017-04-18 19:48来源:英语论文

摘要明代归有光的散文《项脊轩志》运用简洁、平淡的语言和抒情的笔调描写了生命中的真实情感。整篇散文通过阐述“可喜”、“可悲”之事和情感留白的方式,将景、事、情融为一体。本论文试图研究典籍英译如何实现贴切的情感传达,令《项脊轩志》经历两次连续的语际翻译阶段,将两道语译工序后的译文与原文在语篇情感传达方面的差异作比对分析。最后从《项脊轩志》推及古典文学翻译中的情感传达,以期加深对典籍翻译活动在情感传达方面的认识。关键词  情感传达   语际翻译   情感文度  7345
 毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The Emotional Communication During Two Interlingual Transformation Processes of Chinese Ancient Prose Xiangjixuanzhi
In his famous prose Xiangjixuanzhi, Gui Youguang, a renowned prose writer in the Ming Dynasty, presented the true emotions of ordinary life in brief and simple language with a strong rhythm. The prose combined the sights, events and passionate emotions into an organic whole in the way of elaborating on gratifying and lamentable business and reserving some vacant space on emotions. This paper attempts to figure out the realization of appropriate emotional communication through English translation of Classical Chinese literary works. In this study, Xiangjixuanzhi is made to experience two successive interlingual translation processes. Then we make analysis and comparison between the versions after two interlingual transformations and the original prose in emotional communication aspect. We will proceed from Xiangjixuanzhi to other classical literature works, so as to deepen our understanding of emotional communication during the translation activities of classics.
Keywords   emotional communication   interlingual transformation   emotional dimensions   
1  Introduction    1
1.1  Corpus Selection    1
1.2  Research Design    2
1.3  Research Methodology    3
2.  Literature Review    4
2.1  Translator's Subjectivity    4
2.2  Emotional Fax    5
2.3  Previous Studies on Xiangjixuanzhi    6
3  Analysis on Emotional Dimensions    6
3.1  Pleasant Emotions    7
3.2  Lamentable Emotions    7
3.3  Emotional Blank    8
4  Corpus Analysis    9
4.1  The First Interlingual Translation Process    10
4.2  The Second Interlingual Translation Process    13
Conclusion    15
Acknowledgments    16
Bibliography    17
1    Introduction
Emotion is the soul of prose and also the internal motivation and expression object of essay creation. Prose creation is infiltrated by author's deep emotion. Prose with no emotion tastes as insipid as sawdust, and is unable to achieve the artistic effect of touching readers. Bai Juyi, the Tang poet once said that "感人心者,莫先乎情。"  Prose that imbued with sentiment may state the author’s feelings frankly and succinctly, or in a euphemistic and veiled way. Classical Chinese literary works are regarded as the carrier of the ancient intellectuals’ ambitions and emotions. The classical prose translation is a difficult and complex process due to different backgrounds and cultural framework, thus of which the emotional communication may be restricted by all kinds of subjective and objective factors. As we know, translation is the affection and resonance between not only two languages, but also two kinds of culture. The translator needs to complete the task that delivers the original faithful emotion across to the readers through translation, especially in literary translation. Therefore, fully understanding the original time background and analyzing the structure, grammar, rhetoric and other information can help the translator experience the inner feelings and the ways of thinking of the author. This paper attempts to figure out the realization of appropriate emotional communication through English translation of Xiangjixuanzhi as well as other classical Chinese literary works—why literary translation should achieve the emotional communication; how to realize it; and the difficulties in conveying emotion. 古文《项脊轩志》两次语际翻译情感表达:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_5256.html