Abstract Body language is a means of nonverbal communication in the communication of mankind. In some special situations, it is more vivifying than verbal language and written language. Because of the differences of culture, the same behavior may have different meanings. Hence, there is another form of communication which is called nonverbal communication including body language, dress culture and proximal behavior. Body language is the most important and obvious means of nonverbal communication, which uses the behavior of body to express feelings, exchange information and state intention. This thesis discusses the cultural similarities and differences between China and western countries, and makes an in-depth research on the importance of body language in our daily life and its influences on cross-culture communication.56296
Key words: body language; culture difference; similarity; cause;
摘要体态语是人类交际中一种非语言交际手段。在特殊情况下, 它比有声语言和文字语言更富有表现力。因为文化的差异,相同的动作也有着不同含义。所以在人们的日常交际中还存在着另外一种重要的交际手段--非语言交际。非语言交际主要包括体态语、服饰文化和体距等。其中最为重要作用最为明显的一项就是体态语。体态语是一种用肢体动作来表达情感、交流信息和说明意向的沟通手段。包括姿态、手势和其他非语言手段。与言语交际不同,非语言交际可以随着使用者的不同而产生变化。本文在探讨中西方文化异同的基础上,深入研究体态语在日常生活中的重要性和对跨文化交际的影响。
毕业论文关键词:体态语;文化差异;相同; 根源;
1. Introduction.1
2. Literature Review1
2.1 Researches on Body Language2
2.2 Researches on Culture...3
3. Concept and Functions of Body Language.. ...3
3.1 Concept of Body Language3
3.2 Functions of Body Language .............5
4. Cultural Similarities and Differences of Body Language between China and Western Countries .............9
4.1 Similarities of Body Language between China and Western Countries.. ..9
4.2 Differences of Body Language between China and Western Countries.... 9
5. Causes for the Differences of Body Language between China and Western Countries ....11
5.1 Culture...11
5.2 Religion Impact.....12
5.3 History Influence...12
6. Conclusion.13
Works Cited.15
1. Introduction
There are almost no more than three languages in people’s communication: spoken language, written language and body language. Somehow, people who are speaking different languages, from different places or with different cultural backgrounds, may communicate with each other effectively by using body language. However, such use of body language may seem like some born ability. In other words, it is something they do not have to learn, for example, laughing when they are happy and crying when they are sad, as well as the spontaneous action that people learn without even clear awareness of their actions, such as crossing arms before chest, crossing legs and so on. But most body language is acquired, which is deeply influenced by history and tradition of one’s country, nation or region. If we do not know about the cultural differences, we may make misunderstandings. A well-known situation is concerning Nikita Khrushchev, the unqualified officer of the U.S.S.R. in the late 1950s and early 1960s. At the period of his trip to America, he caused considerable amount of argument by a quantity of his opinions and many of his actions. One of his arguable behaviors was lifting his closed hands in a kind of handshaking over his brain, which means a regard and a symbol of friendliness; however, it did not work out well with a lot of people who met him privately or through watching TV. The posture was very common in America—the symbol of success after a boxer has defeated his enemies. Khrushchev had expressed former assertion on the defeating of American capitalism, and a lot Americans viewed his as a self-aggrandizing posture which means that he had already succeeded. A lot of people, definitely, were affronted (Deng Yanchang & Liu Runqing, 2007:135-136). Due to the fast advancement of the world, cross-cultural exchange has become more and more frequent. And as China attended WTO, the communication between China and western countries is more and more constant. It is important for us to know about the cultural differences of body language. This thesis will mainly analyze the cultural similarities and differences of body language between china and western countries, aiming at avoiding misunderstanding in cross-culture communication. 体态语的中西方文化异同及其根源:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_60807.html