2. Literature Review
In this chapter,the author makes a brief review of recent studies on translation of tourism texts conducted both abroad and at home in 2.1 and 2.2. In point 2.3, the author makes a general summary about recent studies and also points out the deficiencies and limitations. At last there is the analysis of practical applicability of Skopostheorie to English translation of tourism texts.
2.1 Studies abroad
Because tourism takes such an important place, tourism texts have been translated from plenty angles. In this process, a lot of constructive ideas have been put forth and widely applied in tourism industry. All the contributions have lead to the continuous development of this industry.
In The Language of Tourism: Sociolinguistic Perspective, Graham MS Dann reveals that the tourism language has its own discourse. (Dann, 1996:17-19) This is the first sociolinguistic study of tourism. People used to think the tourism language is simple, but in fact it is sophisticated and comprehensive. According to him, language of tourism has the power to attract millions of potential tourists and affect their choices. This book is the first one that illustrates in the tourism language from the perspective of sociolinguistic in detail. Besides,this book provides a lot of references for the marketing in the tourism industry. In addition, the author mentions another representative scholar in aspect of linguistics. Her name is Rosa Lore Sanz. In The Translation of Tourist Literature: the Case of Connectors, Rosa Lores Sanz studied connectives and discourse markers in thematic position in translation of tourism texts. The study is conducted on corpus of texts written in English that was translated from Spanish to English in a small scope. Rosa Lores Sanz concludes that translators tend to conform to the linguistic and norms of source text in tourism texts translation.(Sanz, 2003: 291-308) 文献综述
Carolyn Sumberg thinks that the tourist brochure is very important in the promotion of a country in her thesis Brand Leadership at Stake:Selling France to British Tourists. In this article, Carolyn Sumberg pointed out that, because of the effort which has been made by the Spanish tourist board, British tourists prefer to choose Spain instead of France to spend their hoilday in recent ten years. (Sumberg, 2004: 328-353)