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时间:2021-09-27 20:59来源:英语论文
Jane Austen’s Writing Intervention in Terms of the Marriages in Emma,英语论文从《艾玛》中的婚姻看 简·奥斯丁的写作干预

Jane Austen’s Writing Intervention in Terms of the Marriages in Emma Abstract Jane Austen, a British novelist, lived in a small town with a rich family,but never married 。 But she dedicated to depicting love between gentlemen and ladies which embodied her conscious of feminism。 In her work, women are main characters who are the incarnations of both wisdom and virtue。 So, Jane Austen was considered an advocate of feminism。 In Emma , Jane made Emma an independent girl who professed that she would never marry anyone although hundreds of suitors were after her which was just like what Austen did in her real life。 However, the difference lies on the fact that Emma finally got married ‘suddenly’, but Austen didn’t。 Why? Here the ‘suddenly’ shows the obstruction that Austen met when she tried to break Emma’s concept “No marriage”。 Nevertheless, she used her writing intervention to drag Emma into the marriage with Mr。 Knightly。 Does it mean that Jane Austen thought that only getting married can a girl transmute to a real woman? Do the other two marriages in Emma including the marriage between Jane Fairfax and Mr。Churchill and the matrimony of Hariet Smith and Mr。 Martin have writing intervention either? This thesis will analyze Jane Austen’s writing interventions through these three marriages and look at her feminism concept and class conscious from this point of view。72391

Keywords: writing intervention;marriages;feminism;class consciousness

从《艾玛》中的婚姻看 简·奥斯丁的写作干预

摘  要简·奥斯丁家住小镇,家境殷实,却终生未嫁。但是她却钟爱将乡村里绅士与淑女之间的爱情与婚姻展现在人们面前,通过这些描写来突出女权zhuyi。在她的作品中,女性才是主角,她们是智慧与美德的化身。因此,简奥斯汀被认为是女权zhuyi的倡导者。在《爱玛》中,简奥斯汀对于女主人公爱玛的塑造的婚姻中,爱玛声称自己将终生不嫁,面对各种男士的追求毫不动心,俨然是生活在小说中的真实的简奥斯汀。不同的是,奥斯汀真的终生未嫁,而爱玛嫁人了!奥斯汀与爱玛有着共同的想法,为何爱玛最后“忽然”想通了要嫁人,而奥斯汀却始终想不通?这里的“忽然”表现了奥斯汀对于如何冲破突破这种“终生不嫁”想法的束手无策。然而即使是束手无策,简奥斯汀仍采用了写作干预,硬生生地将爱玛与奈特利先生写进了婚姻的殿堂。这是否意味着,简奥斯汀内心的想法其实是女性只有嫁人才能算是真正地完成成长的蜕变?《爱玛》中其他的两个婚姻包括简费尔法克斯和丘吉尔的婚姻,哈莉特和马丁的婚姻,是否也存在这样的干预?本文将通过这三段婚姻的分析,来透析简奥斯汀的写作干预,从另一个角度看简奥斯汀对于女权和阶级观念的态度。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature review 3

3。 The definition of writing intervention 4

3。1 The definition of intervention 4

3。2 The definition of writing intervention in Emma 4

4。 The happy ending between Emma and Mr。 Knightly 6

4。1 Background information of Emma and Mr。Knightly 6

4。2 What’s the obstruction of their love 6

4。3 How Austen uses her writing intervention 7

4。4 Austen’s feminism and class consciousness 从《艾玛》中的婚姻看简·奥斯丁的写作干预:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_82361.html
