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时间:2021-12-18 21:39来源:英语论文
In view of Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, the word pun can be interpreted into the application of single word in a way ,which is used to imply various associations or two or more sense, or the a

In view of Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, the word “pun” can be interpreted into “the application of single word in a way ,which is used to imply various associations or two or more sense, or the application of multiple words of the approximately identical or completely identical sound with different implication, which is mainly used to represent a attractive and humorous result。”

On the basis of Collins English Language Dictionary, “a pun can be defined as “a application of either words which seemingly have more than one sense, or words which have the approximately identical sound but they can be found various differences in sense, in order that the words you are to say soon have two different sense, and they can laugh people by some other words or phrases。”

However, only Relevance Theory cannot explain the actual intention of advertising pun to an exact extent。 At this moment, speech act theory must be taken into consideration to compensate the inherent defect in consumers’ purchasing appetite。
