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时间:2021-12-31 10:14来源:英语论文
A Struggling Woman in Bourgeois Society:an Analysis of Madame Bovary’s Tragedy,英语论文分析包法利夫人的悲剧成因挣扎在资产阶级社会的女人

A Struggling Woman in Bourgeois Society:an Analysis of Madame Bovary’s Tragedy Abstract Madame Bovary, as one of Gustave Flaubert’s most famous work, vividly discloses the differentiation between the life of the rich and that of the common people and the inferior status of women in France during the period of the “July Monarchy” when France was in a dictatorship and almost dominated by the wealthy bourgeoisie。 This thesis consists of five parts。 The first part mainly introduces the background of the novel。 The second part is about the literature review introducing the research both at home and abroad。 The third part focuses on romanticism and the vulgar romanticism for which Bovary received unsuccessful education and formed distorted values。 The forth part is about the bourgeois vulgar ideology in people’s mind, which is pided into “Money as everything” and “Male’s superior status to female”。 The fifth part is the conclusion。 This thesis analyses the tragedy of Madame Bovary from the view of vulgar culture which is comprised of the vulgar romanticism and the vulgar ideology existing in people’s mind, to a degree, thoroughly showing their negative effects on Bovary。 And unable to deny the influences of economy and politics on the formation of the vulgar culture, my thesis also mingles them。 It demonstrates the idea that culture influences humans’ spirit and behavior both directly and indirectly。 And the gap between the negative illusion caused by the vulgar culture and reality reminds people to keep a balance。 76527

Key Words: Madame Bovary; vulgar culture; vulgar romanticism, vulgar ideology; money; bourgeoisie; social status


摘  要 《包法利夫人》作为法国著名现实zhuyi作家居斯塔夫·福楼拜的代表作之一,生动揭露了处于专政以及资产阶级的占主导地位的七月期间法国资产阶级与平民百姓之间的生活差距,更是反映了女人的地位低下,被男人玩弄于鼓掌之间。论文共分为五部分。 第一部分为引言,主要介绍该小说的相关背景以及国内外相关研究。第二部分为文献综述,介绍了国内外相关人士对包法利夫人的研究。 第三部分为消极的浪漫zhuyi。它是导致包法利夫人接受的教育是失败的,更使她在受教育期间形成了扭曲的价值观。第四部分为人们脑中存在的消极的思想观念,主要包括“金钱是万能的”以及“男尊女卑”。这些观念既是人们从传统继承而来,也随着时间在人们的脑力强化深刻。 第五部分是结论。论文从粗鄙的文化这一角度来分析包法利夫人的悲剧成因,分析了消极的浪漫zhuyi以及思想观念,也揭露了它们对包法利夫人造成的消极影响。同时,在分析过程中,经济与政治对于文化的影响不可忽略,论文中也有较充分的体现。



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 The Introduction of the Writer and the Book 1

2。 Literature Review 3

3。 Romanticism and Vulgar Romanticism 6

3。1 The introduction of Romanticism and Vulgar Romanticism 6

3。2 Vulgar Romanticism’s influences on Madame Bovary 6

4。 Bourgeois Vulgar Ideology in People’s Mind 9

4。1 Money as Everything & Bourgeoisie’s Superior Status 9

4。2 Male’s Superior Status to Female 分析包法利夫人的悲剧成因挣扎在资产阶级社会的女人:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_87795.html
