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时间:2017-05-23 19:53来源:英语论文
The Application of Situational Teaching Method in Primary English Class情景教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用

Along with the development of China's economy, English becomes more and more important in people's daily life. In terms of English learning, English teaching methods are quite different for people of all ages. In recent decades, situational teaching method has become one of the most popular teaching methods in primary English class. Because it caters to the characteristics of pupils who are good at imitating and have interested in everything, and they cannot pay long attention to things intentionally. Situational teaching method emphasizes the real scene of language learning, and it cultivates students’ listening and speaking abilities by means of creating the scene of language learning and regarding the scene as the center. Therefore situational teaching method is quite suitable for pupils, especially for the students in lower grades. This paper combines the theory with the practice of situational teaching method together, and states the importance of situational teaching method in primary school English teaching. What’s more, this paper also investigates definite ways to set and carry out language scenes, which can improve primary school English teaching effectively.

Key words: situational teaching method; primary English class; application
The Application of Situational Teaching Method in Primary English Class

摘 要...i
I. Introduction..1
II. Relevant Theories .......2
2.1The Definition of Situational Teaching Method..2
2.2 The Relative Studies at Home and Abroad............... ....3
III. The Necessity of STM in Primary English Class.......5
3.1 Problems of the Traditional Teaching Method ......5
3.2 Advantages of the Situational Teaching Method....6
IV. The Principles and Methods of Situational Teaching...7
4.1 The Principles of Creating Teaching Scenes..........7
4.2 The Methods of Situational Teaching......9
4.2.1 Intuitive Teaching Method........9
 4.2.2 The Description Method.....10
 4.2.3 Using Multimedia.................10
 4.2.4 Doing Games.........................11
 4.2.5 Singing the English Songs..........13
V. Conclusion14
I. Introduction

    As is known to all, English as an international language and a major medium has become more and more prominent in the 21st century. So it is necessary to start the English education from primary school students. And with the development of modern society, all sorts of methodologies have been applied to the English teaching. However, education of China meets a series of challenges. At present, many teachers still use the traditional method, which lacks of interest and is difficult to be accepted by those pupils who are very naughty and full of curiosity in primary school. This teaching method does not suit for the pupils’ characteristics and make students passively accepted knowledge. Therefore, it would make the pupils bored from the very beginning, thus making pupils not want to learn English. In addition, the lack of environment in the foreign language is another important factor. The environment will stimulate the pupils’ desire to express thoughts and promote the ability of learning language in situational environment. Therefore, it is essential for teachers to establish environment in English teaching. Situational teaching method is meant to create different contexts in the language atmosphere. That’s why it is appealed to many teachers. 情景教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_7674.html