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时间:2017-05-23 19:53来源:英语论文
According to psychological characteristics of students, situational teaching method offers many chances to carry on the exercises in English through opening various informative situations, such as con

According to psychological characteristics of students, situational teaching method offers many chances to carry on the exercises in English through opening various informative situations, such as conversation, the song, the game, tongue twister, etc. At the same time, teacher can get support from some audio-visual aids to arouse students’ interest, make them study in the happy and unrestrained atmosphere using knowledge freely and being interested in learning. Good classroom teaching situation not only makes the teaching interesting, but also activates students' thirst for knowledge properly. The purpose of foreign language teaching is to develop language ability, so in English teaching, students could improve the ability of comprehensive linguistic performance only by setting realistic or quasi-real situation. Considering the requirement of English curriculum standards, it is necessary to apply situational teaching approach in primary schools.
This thesis aims to enable students to learn English effectively and be willing to learn English. Hereon, I endeavor to propose the situational teaching methodology as an ideal English teaching approach and make a further step to inquire into its practice in primary school English teaching.

II. Relevant Theories

2.1 The Definition of Situational Teaching Method
    The concept of the situational teaching method is first projected by Brown, Collin, Duguidin in 1989. They published a study named Situated Cognition and the Culture of the Learning. They believed that “knowledge can be produced only when it is applied in the situation, knowledge can not be isolated from its environment, and the best method to learn knowledge is to carry it out in the context.” There are different kinds of expressions on the situational teaching method. “Situational teaching method is a kind of method through the use of the vivid scene, to arouse the students’ interest of learning, to improve learning efficiency.” (Gu Mingyuan 158). “Situational teaching method refers to create the problems with real event or circumstance. Students are in the process of solving the incidents or problems, and understand the knowledge independently.” (Zhang Hua 69). Generally, the situational teaching method relies on the Construction Theory and the theory of Situated Cognition and Learning. Constructivism believes that topic, situation, cooperation and resources are the four conditions to promote teaching.
    Therefore, situational teaching method refers to a kind of teaching method, in which the teacher use language, teaching aids and various supplementary equipment to provide the students with a harmony language environment. By doing this to arouse students’ emotional experience, it helps students understand teaching materials, and developed students’ psychological function. Moreover, the method makes students have a direct contact with English-spoken countries’ culture. Therefore, they can receive massive language materials in the natural or artificial scenes to express the social, objective and subjective cognitions with the similar sentences so that their innermost feelings can be effectively expressed.
In other words, situational teaching method can be comprehended that in the English teaching process teachers establish teaching scenes through language descriptions, material object demonstrations, music exaggerations and so on to stimulate students’ study initiative and enthusiasm. Situational teaching method brings students to the specific active environment which enables students to imagine emotionally and makes students have a superiority exciting center, thus the students can obtain the best attention, which stimulates students’ interest and guides the reassignment in study, or the exercise’s enthusiasm to enhance the quality and effect of English class. Students’ cognition has the situational connection. The specific scene not only makes students understand significance of the activities but also makes the possibility of the activities; meanwhile it also affects students’ consciousness as well as the method of study, and it makes the knowledge deeply rooted in the students’ minds. 情景教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_7674.html