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时间:2022-01-03 11:51来源:英语论文
3。2 Three schemas for Polysemy forming For some schema, people have same cognitive models。 There are three schemas to form peoples cognitive models which help to form the polysemy。 3。2。1 Ima

3。2 Three schemas for Polysemy forming

For some schema, people have same cognitive models。 There are three schemas to form people’s cognitive models which help to form the polysemy。

3。2。1 Image schema

Image schema is an important concept to cognitive theory。 It came from Johnson’s work that “they suggest that image schema comes from human beings’ concept, perception and embodiment which is even ahead of language。”(Johnson 77-79)。 The image schemas can give us an abstract expression to human beings。 Based on the resources we have and the space we are in, we have our image schemas which help us to understand the surroundings and interpret our experience。 According to Langacker, image schemas are highly abstract conceptions, which are grounded in everyday bodily experience and play an essential role in structuring our mental world。”(Langacker 12) These schematic conceptions emerge in physical experience and serves as the basis for projecting it metaphorically to other conceptual realms。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

This image schema helps us to understand our surroundings and interpret our experience which, in other words, also helps to form our experience。 With image schema we have our network of culture and environment。 To understand the world and associate a meaning to the language, we need to use image scheme to compare the world we are in to the image, and finally decide the image schema to make our experience stable。 But image schema is not static one but dynamic that it will change with the improvement and continuous development of our experience。 We need to constant fix our image schema to satisfy and construct our surrounding environment and understand towards it。 
