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时间:2022-02-08 20:47来源:英语论文
2。4 Rhetorics untranslatability 来~自,优^尔-论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766- With Chinese and Englishs different rhetoric of each other, the two languages becomes active and meaningful。

2。4 Rhetoric's untranslatability 来~自,优^尔-论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

With Chinese and English’s different rhetoric of each other, the two languages becomes active and meaningful。 In translating practice, if we cannot find a correct way to express the source language’s rhetoric in the target language, the source language’s content, meaning and style will not be honestly expressed。 Even if the main meaning was successfully conveyed, the source language’s linguistic infection will still。 be weaken。 However, to translate a kind of rhetoric in a language to another language is very difficult。 For instance, an English sentence, “Able was I ere I saw Elba。” This is a famous palindrome sentence in English, it successfully took advantage of English language’s characteristics, by the center of the letter “R”, to each end of the sentence, the letters were exactly the same。 Some people translated this sentence as “在看到艾尔巴以前我曾极有能耐”, which could only convey the main meaning of the sentence, but the rhetoric of palindrome did not be fully expressed。 We have similar English words of palindrome such as “madam”, ”radar”, and “rotator”, without adding notes, these words were impossible to be translated into Chinese words and convey the palindrome at the same time。 
