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时间:2022-03-25 23:37来源:英语论文
On C-E Translation Strategies of Public Signs,英语论文城市公示语英译规范化策略探析

摘 要当前,随着中国经济的发展,人民生活水平和受教育程度的提高,越来越多的人开始关注城市的形象发展。作为城市形象的“名片”,公示语的规范化应用也受到前所未有的关注。本文采取个案和定性研究的方法,尝试分析城市公示语的语言特征、功能及其翻译中存在的问题。通过对翻译错误案例调查研究,作者试图概述其错误类型及原因,旨在寻求城市公示语英译的规范化策略。城市公示语在规范人的社会行为,调整人际关系,建设和谐社会方面意义重大。但在城市建设中,各种公式语翻译错误与不规范现象随处可见,极大地影响了城市良好形象的树立。只有规范、准确、地道地翻译公示语,才能有助于建立和谐的社会。79329


Abstract With the booming of economic globalization and the increasingly fierce cultural market competition, the images of cities have attracted increasing attentions gradually。 As the business card of cities, bilingual public signs are common in the public areas like stores, streets and scenic spots。 The case study and qualitative research methods are used in this paper so as to analyze the public signs’ language features, classification and errors in translation。 This paper is to find out the strategies of C-E translation of public signs。 Public signs are of great significance to regulate behaviors, improve personal communications and build a harmonious society and so on。 But based on the result of the investigation, some English versions of the public sign translation are not standardized, to the extent that they are tarnishing a city’s international image。 Therefore, only the standard use of public signs can be beneficial to build a harmonious society。

Key words: public signs; C-E translation; functions; strategies and methods


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 An Overview of Public Signs 2

 2。1 Language Features and Functions of Public Signs 2

 2。2 Classification of Public Signs 4

Ⅲ。 Errors in C-E Translation of Public Signs 6

 3。1 Errors in C-E Translation of Public Signs 6

 3。2 Causes of Errors in C-E Translation of Public Signs 8

Ⅳ。 Suggestions 10

 4。1 Suggestions for C-E Translation of Public Signs 10

 4。2 Suggestions for Translation Management System of Public Signs 12

Ⅴ。 Conclusion 13

Bibliography 15

Acknowledgements 16

On C-E Translation Strategies of Public Signs

I。 Introduction 

   With the booming of economic integration and frequency of international contacts, public signs have increasingly been recognized for its representative images of a city。 As a special practical genre, public signs stress the importance of achieving communicative purposes, which aimed at some certain specific groups。 The scope of their application is broad, in the areas of business, tourism, cultural publicity and some other fields。 They not only provide a vital service to modern urban construction but also link close with our daily life ( Dai Zongxian & Lü Hefa 38 )。 As a communication tool, public signs convey necessary and useful information to the public by combining a few, simple icons or text icons。 城市公示语英译规范化策略探析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_91636.html
