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时间:2023-04-01 21:00来源:毕业论文

摘要:为讨论自闭症儿童自我面部表情与他人面部表情识别之间的识别关系,本研究以9名自闭症儿童为实验组,10名智力障碍儿童为对照组,控制人口学因素,通过其对自我以及他人面部表情的识别,分析其面部表情的识别能力,考察两者之间的相关关系。结果表明: 1)自闭症儿童和智力障碍儿童对不同面部表情的识别正确率不存在显著性差异;2)自闭症儿童与智力障碍儿童对高兴、悲伤、中性面部表情识别正确率不存在显著差异;3)自闭症儿童自我面部表情识别与他人面部表情识别存在显著相关关系。88123

In order to discuss the relationship between self-facial expression and autistic face expression of autistic children, nine children with autism were enrolled in this study。 Ten children with mental retardation were used as control group to control demographic factors。 Self and others facial expression recognition, analysis of facial expression recognition ability, examine the relationship between the two。 The results showed that: 1) There was no significant difference in the accuracy of recognition of different facial expressions in autistic children and children with mental retardation。 2) There was no significant difference in the accuracy rate of happy, sad and neutral facial expression between autistic children and children with mental disorders。 3) There was a significant correlation between self-facial expression recognition and facial expression recognition in autistic children。

毕业论文关键词:自闭症; 自我; 他人; 面部表情源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Keywords: autism;  self;  others;  facial expressions


摘要 2

1。 引言 4

2。实验研究 5

2。1实验目的 5

  2。2 实验假设 6

  2。3 实验设计 6

2。4 实验地点、材料、设备 6

2。5 实验对象 7

2。6 实验过程 8

2。6。1 准备阶段 7

2。6。2 练习阶段 8

2。6。3 正式实验阶段 8

2。7数据处理 8

3。研究结果 9

3。1 自闭症儿童与智力障碍儿童面部表情识别能力 9

3。1。1自闭症儿童和智力障碍面部表情识别正确率差异 9

3。1。2自闭症儿童和智力障碍儿童高兴面部表情识别正确率的差异 10

3。1。3自闭症儿童和智力障碍儿童中性面部表情识别正确率差异 10

3。1。4自闭症儿童和智力障碍儿童悲伤面部表情识别正确率差异 11

3。2自闭症儿童自我面部表情识别与他人面部表情识别的关系 11

3。2。1自闭症儿童自我面部表情识别与他人面部表情识别的关系 11

3。2。2自闭症儿童自我高兴面部表情识别与他人高兴面部表情识别的关系 12

3。2。3自闭症儿童自我中性面部表情识别与他人中性面部表情识别的关系 12

3。2。4自闭症儿童自我悲伤面部表情识别与他人悲伤面部表情识别的关系 自闭症儿童自我面部表情与他人面部表情识别关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_154364.html
