lithiumion battery equalization control algorithm based on MATLAB
Because of power batteries for electric vehicles are composed of aplurality of battery cells in series, the battery performance can not be completely consistent, the series in use process, the initial slight differences in the amplification effect of each charge and discharge, for a period of time after the battery performance difference between will gradually increase, in order to shorten the battery performance dramatically and cycle life. Thus affecting the battery's capacity, durability and safety. Decrease battery changes and increased battery capacity, and battery equalization is required. On the base of analyzing the uneven distribution of lithium battery. The unbalanced characteristic of battery model and battery energy charge and discharge balance control model. Study the battery balanced circuit model of the charge control, and proposed one kind is to realize the battery quick charging, but also to eliminate the monomer battery inconsistency on battery cycle life affects the equilibrium charge control strategy. And the simulation calculation of charge and discharge control strategy of energy. Satisfactory results were obtained. Keywords: battery, balance control, control strategy
Keywords: battery;balance control;control strategy
1 绪论...4
1.1 课题的意义.4
1.2 国内外情况综述 4
1.3 论文的主要工作.5
2 锂电池基本知识与均衡控制原理 .5
2.1 锂电池工作原理及优缺点5
2.2 锂电池不均衡原因.7
2.3 锂电池均衡分类..9
2.4 现有均衡策略.13
2.3.1 按电动势..13
2.3.2 按开路电压14
2.3.3 按SOC15
3. MATLAB软件简17
3. 1 功能..17
3. 2 特点..17
4. 基于MATLAB的锂电池均衡控制算法设计19
6. 致谢24
7. 参考文献25
1 绪论
1.1 课题的意义
动力电池组是电动汽车的辅助能量源和关键部件,其状态好坏和寿命长短很大程度上决定了整车性能的优劣,因此对整个电池组实施有效的管理和监测显得至关重要。混合动力汽车的动力电池一般由多节单体电池串联而成。但是由于制造误差的存在,电池之间必然存在内阻、端电压、容量等参数的差异,而使用过程中电池之间的通风散热差异及电池的过充电、过放电更加剧了电池之间的不一致性。较多数目的蓄电池串联使用容易存在电压不均衡的现象,电压长期不均衡就易产生落后电池,落后的锂离子电池如果充电不完全,在以后的放电中放电深度会进一步加重,在充电后就更加落后。这样,充放电次数越多,不均衡就越突出,致使落后电池失效。所以每次应测量每个单体蓄电池的电压值,对低于2.2V的蓄电池要进行“均充”,使其恢复到完全充电的状态,以避免个别落后电池的失效。因此,研究一种有效的均衡充放电方法,以弥补电池在使用过程中性能的不一致性,最大限度地发挥动力电池的效用,对于混合动力汽车的推广应用具有极其重要的意义。 基于MATLAB锂离子电池均衡控制算法的研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_18342.html