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时间:2024-06-25 21:17来源:95575

摘要:电控箱内部的各种元器件在正常工作时,会持续的产生热量,而电控箱又 是一个相对密闭的环境,因此,当电控箱工作时,其内部温度会不断升高。如果 是外部环境温度比较低的话不会有太大影响,但是如果外部环境温度比较高的时 候,例如工作在热带地区的电控箱,那么它内部的温度很快就会超过设备正常的 工作温度范围,这就需要我们来采取降温措施。本设计的主要目的就是通过制冷 设备,将电控箱的内部温度维持在一个适当的范围内,以此来保证设备的正常工 作。本文采用以半导体制冷技术为核心的制冷系统作为电控箱的降温装置,而在 降低温度的同时,风扇带动电控箱内部的空气循环流经制冷片,制冷片的温度较 低,根据空气在不同温度下所能容纳的水分子数量是不同的这一特性,我们可以 知道空气中的水蒸气会冷凝到制冷片的冷端,然后通过排水槽收集并排出,以实 现降温除湿的目的。本文采用 AT89C52 为控制核心,用 DS18B20 温度传感器检 测电控箱内部温度,通过 LCD1602 液晶显示屏显示实时温度。当温度升高到设 定值上限时,风机开始工作,然后制冷片开始工作。当温度低于设定值下限时, 制冷片停止工作,风机继续工作一段时间后停止工作。以此来保证系统的制冷效 率,以及保障制冷片的散热。


Abstract:All the components in the electric cabinet will produce heat continuously during normal operation, while the electric cabinet is a relatively closed environment, therefore, Therefore, when the electric cabinet is working, its internal temperature will continue to rise. If the temperature of the external environment is relatively low, it will not have much impact. But if the outside environment has a high temperature, such as electric cabinet working near the tropics, then it's internal temperature will soon exceed the normal working temperature range of equipment, which requires us to take measures to cool down. The main purpose of this design is through the refrigeration equipment, the internal temperature of the electric cabinet is maintained in a proper range in order to protect. Normal work permit equipment. This paper uses the refrigeration system with semiconductor refrigeration technology as the core of the cooling device of the electric cabinet, and in the lower temperature at the same time, The fan drives the air in the electric cabinet to flow through the refrigeration plate, the refrigeration temperature is low, according to the number of  water molecules in the air can accommodate different temperatures this is a different characteristic, we can know that the water in the air condenses to the cold end cooler, and then through the drain tank to collect and discharge, in order to achieve the purpose of cooling dehumidification. This paper uses AT89C52 as control core, using the internal temperature sensor DS18B20 temperature detection control box, by LC D1602 display real-time temperature. When the temperature rises to the set value of the upper limit, the fan started to work, and then start working. When the refrigeration temperature is lower than the set lower limit, refrigeration fan stopped working, continue to work after a period of time to stop working. In order to ensure the refrigeration efficiency of the system, and the heat protection refrigeration piece.

Keywords:semiconductor refrigeration;singlechip;electric cabinet


第一章 绪论 1

1.1  电控箱及其内部热量来源 1

1.2  电控箱的冷却方式 1

1.3  本文研究的主要内容 2

第二章 半导体制冷 AT89C52单片机电控箱降温除湿控制装置设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204187.html
