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时间:2019-03-17 21:22来源:毕业论文

关键词  倒立摆  网络时延  PID控制  白噪声
Title  Performance analysis of the inverted pendulum in networks                   
This paper established a mathematical model of the single-stage inverted pendulum system by using Newton mechanics method firstly, then the state space equation of the system is created. According to it, the Simulink model of the system can be founded, of which, with position PID controller and angle PID controller, the control system studied in this paper is composed.
Secondly, this paper simulates the feedback with time delay, and analyzes the influence of the control system after introducing network link into system, then the conclusion that time delay can not only reduce the dynamic performance of the system, narrowing the stability range, but also unstabilize the system in severe case is obtained. The situation that system input has white noise disturbance is simulated, the result is that if the input signal is asymptotically stable, the output signal will be asymptotically stable as well. The effectiveness and robustness of 2PID control can also be demonstrated in the simulation.
Keywords  Inverted pendulum   The network time delay   PID control   White noise
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  倒立摆系统概述    1
1.1.1  倒立摆系统研究在国内外的发展情况    1
1.1.2  倒立摆系统控制方法的研究现状    1
1.2  网络控制系统概述    2
1.3  本文的主要内容    3
2  倒立摆系统及其数学建模    4
2.1  倒立摆的数学建模    4
2.2  倒立摆实验系统模型    6
2.2.1  倒立摆本体    7
2.2.2  电控箱    7
2.2.3  控制平台组成部分    8
3  PID控制原理    9
3.1  PID控制概述    9
3.2  三个典型环节    9
3.2.1  比例环节    10
3.2.2  积分环节    10
3.2.3  微分环节    10
3.3  PID控制规律    11
4  倒立摆系统PID控制性能分析    13
4.1  PID控制器的设计    13
4.2  一级倒立摆系统的simulink模型及其PID控制    13
4.2.1一级倒立摆系统的simulink模型    13
4.2.2  倒立摆的PID控制    13
4.2.3  仿真结果    14
4.3  反馈环节有时延情况下的系统响应    14
4.3.1  位移反馈存在时延    14
4.3.2  角度反馈存在时延    16
4.3.3  位移和角度都存在时延    17
4.3.4  小结    18 网络化倒立摆系统的性能分析:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_31170.html