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时间:2019-10-12 19:04来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:单片机  AT24C02  1602LCD  计程车计费器 
The Design of Taxi Meter Based on MCU
Abstract:With the development of the society and science,taxi meter plays an essential position in everyday life.It is the standard for passengers and drivers.Whether it is for taxi drivers or passengers,a good performance of the charging instrument is so important.Taxi meter refers to both benefit,so the research has a value application.
The design is based on a monolithic intergrated circuit STC89C51 taxi billing design,with reset circuit,clocking circuit,keyboard circuit.Reset circuit is initialized,besides the normal operation of the initial dilemma,as a foreigner,through the reset circuit can start again.12MHz adopts the clock circuit,as a system of crystal oscillator,higher clock source.The design realizes the pro-lection of eleclricity cutting through AT24C02.It can storage data after power failure.Clock circuit uses 12MHz crystal, as the system of crystal oscillator, higher accuracy.The characters in the crystal that the initial 1602, charges, fees mileage waiting time, three buttons can be adjusted by charging fees, just waiting time, mileage. Through the simulation of the taxi, buttons,stop. MCU used for the design has a large scale,with few hardware and suitable software programming.It can easily achieve with each other,avoiding poor contact caused by the long time mechanical switch.
Keyword: MCU  AT24C02  1602LCD  Taxi meter
目  录
1绪论    4
1.1 研究的目的和意义    4
1.2 研究概况及其发展趋势    4
1.3 本系统的主要功能    4
2  系统设计方案    6
2.1  系统设计任务    6
2.2  系统总体设计方案    6
3 硬件电路设计    8
3.1 振荡电路    8
3.2 复位电路    8
3.3 键盘接口电路    9
3.4 显示电路    9
3.4.1 1602LCD的基本参数及引脚功能    9
3.4.2显示模块采用1602液晶显示接口电路    10
3.5 单片机各引脚功能说明    11
4 软件设计    14
4.1 单片机资源使用    14
4.2 单片机软件模块设计    14
4.2.1 中断子函数    14
4.2.2 键盘扫描子函数    15
4.2.3 显示子程序    15
4.3 总设计流程框图    16
5 系统调试    17
6 总结    18
参考文献    19 STC89C51单片机多功能计程车计费器设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_40610.html