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时间:2017-03-12 16:46来源:毕业论文

关键词  智能车  建模  卡尔曼滤波  电机内环控制  仿真
毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要Title   Design and Realization of Intelligent Vehicle for The Seventh Freescale Cup Intelligent Vehicle Contest —— Research and Design of Control Algorithm                             
According to the Seventh Freescale Cup Intelligent Vehicle Contest, through in-depth study of modeling the two wheel self-balancing intelligent vehicle system, Kalman filter algorithm, and the control algorithm of the electromagnetic guided two wheel self-balancing intelligent vehicle, modeling the electromagnetic guided two wheel self-balancing intelligent vehicle system, and Kalman filter algorithm is applied to the two wheel self-balancing intelligent vehicle in the measurement of car angle. In order to improve the response speed of the motor of car model and control accuracy, the motor inner control is applied to the system. According to the mathematical model of the system and the Kalman filter model, Kalman filter algorithm for the intelligent vehicle system, motor inner loop control algorithm and the whole system is simulated by matlab. Finally, the design of the algorithm is testified in the actual experiment platform to verify its effectiveness. The result shows that the performance of the system is good, the design of the algorithm significantly improve the operational characteristics of the electromagnetic guided two wheel self-balancing intelligent vehicle, and   verified the correctness of the established mathematical model of the system and the Kalman filter model.   
Keywords  intelligent vehicle  modeling   Kalman filter  motor inner control  simulate
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
1.2  国内外智能汽车研究现状    1
1.3  全国大学生智能车竞赛简介    3
1.4  本课题主要研究内容    4
2  电磁导引两轮自平衡智能车系统总体设计    7
2.1  电磁导引两轮自平衡智能车系统设计要求    7
2.2  电磁导引两轮自平衡智能车系统组成结构    7
2.3  电磁导引两轮自平衡智能车系统工作原理    8
2.4  本章小结    10
3  电磁导引两轮自平衡智能车系统数学模型的建立    11
3.1  后轮驱动系统建模    11
3.2  两轮自平衡智能车系统数学模型的建立    16
3.4  智能车系统自身稳定性和能控性的matlab仿真    22
3.5  本章小结    24
4  电磁导引两轮自平衡智能车直立控制    25
4.1  车模角度和角速度测量    25 电磁导引车控制算法研究与设计+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_4079.html