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时间:2023-03-08 22:49来源:毕业论文

摘要听证制度是司法领域和行政领域中体现民意、集中民智从而促进决策机关公正合理的决策的利器。在目前环境问题日益严峻,雾霾噪音等严重影响人们生活的情况下,将听证制度引入环境保护领域是一个必然的趋势也是一个有利的发展方向。我国的环境保护行政许可听证制度是2004年的时候初步确立和形成,但之后的发展的进度明显放缓,且在实践中存在不少问题。本文在我国目前已有法律法规的基础上,首先概括分析了环境保护行政许可听证制度的概念和特点,然后再细化说明在当下我国这项制度所存在的问题,最后分别从完善法制和培养观念意识两个层面提出相关具体建议,希望对我国完善环境保护行政许可听证制度,推动其发展有所助力。 87785

毕业论文关键词  听证  环境保护   完善建议 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   The perfection of the environmental administrative permission hearing system           

Abstract Hearing system can serve as an excellent tool to reflect the will of the people and gather the suggestions from the public to enhance the decision-making sectors to make equal and reasonable decisions in judicial field and administrative area。 The environment problems like noise and haze pollutions have become increasingly rigorous and had a bad effect on people’s daily lives。 To introduce the hearing system into the environment protections is almost inevitable and will bring about a great many of benefits。 In 2004, the administration permission hearing system for the environment protections in China has been initially established and developed。 However, there are many problems existing in the implementation, which has seriously hindered the development of this system。 Based on present Chinese laws and regulations, this paper firstly illustrates the definitions and descriptions of the administration permission hearing system applied in the environment protections。 Then it points out the problems that exist in the system and finally proposed the detailed suggestions to solve these problems by improving the laws and cultivating the consciousness。 The author hoped that this study will help to boost the innovation and development of the administration permission hearing system for the environment protections in China。

Keywords: hearing system  environmental protection  perfection suggestion 

目   次

1  引言 1

2 环境保护行政许可听证制度的概述2源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766

2。1  环境保护行政许可听证制度的发展概况 2

2。2  环境保护行政许可听证制度的定义和特点 2

2。3  环境保护行政许可听证制度的意义 4

3  我国环境保护行政许可听证制度中的现存问题 6

3。1  听证适用范围不明确,过于抽象 6

3。2  听证主体存在一些问题 7

3。3  听证会过程及结果缺乏监督 9

3。4  缺少有效的权利救济手段 9

4  我国环境保护行政许可听证制度中问题的原因简析  10

4。1  缺少完整的法律体系,立法技术不够成熟10

4。2  程序法制观念淡薄10

5  对完善我国环境保护行政许可听证制度的设想  12

5。1  听证适用范围的规范和明确12

5。2  听证主体的进一步规范和完善13

5。3  强化听证监督和完善救济制度15

5。4  培养行政机构程序实体并重的观念,提高公众参与意识16

结语  17From+优`尔^文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ75201^8766 论我国环境保护行政许可听证制度的完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_146234.html
