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时间:2018-04-02 20:26来源:毕业论文

Steel - concrete composite beam is a new structure type developed on the basis of steel and concrete structure. It is mainly through setting shear connectors (studs, channels, curved ribs, etc.) between the steel beams and concrete flange plate, resist both off and on the relative slip at the interface, making it a whole work together. Steel - concrete composite beam structure and wood structure, masonry structures, reinforced concrete structure and steel side by side, has expanded to become the fifth largest structure (composite structure), under load, the concrete slab and steel beam compression tension, fully play material properties of steel and concrete. In recent years, steel - concrete composite beam in our city overpass beams and structures has been more widely used, and is moving in the direction of a large cross. Steel - Concrete Composite Beams practice in China showed that it combines the advantages of steel and concrete structure, with significant economic and social benefits of technology for the construction of China's basic national conditions, is one of the main development direction of future structural system .
Key words:Steel - concrete composite beams; composite structures; shear connectors
第1章 方案比选5
1.1 桥梁选型  5
1.2 断面设计方案比选  6
1.2.1 I型截面 6
1.2.2 双室双箱截面  6
1.2.3工字钢-混凝土组合截面 7
1.3 方案总结与选择 7
1.4 钢板梁桥简介8
1.4.1 钢板梁桥介绍   8
1.4.2 钢板梁桥特点8
第2章 工字钢板梁桥设计 9
2.1 设计简介   9
2.2 主梁截面尺寸选择原则及相关公式9
2.3 主梁连接  10
2.4 加劲肋布置11
2.5 横向连接系12
2.6 纵向连接系12
第3章 计算书13
3.1 设计资料 13
3.2 钢筋混凝土顶板有效宽度计算 14
3.3 截面几何性质14
3.4 桥面板横桥向局部应力验算15
3.5 弯曲应力的计算 17
3.6 温度差产生应力的计算 18
3.7 混凝土徐变产生的应力 20
3.8 混凝土收缩产生的应力 20
3.9 应力组合及应力验算结果    22
3.10 组合梁剪力连接件的验算 23
3.11 挠度验算    24
第4章 桥梁电算26
4.1  材料类别及其特性设置26
4.2  截面定义27
4.3  边界条件定义 28
4.4  静力荷载28
4.5  活载.28
4.6  单跨梁效果图29
4.7  荷载组合30
4.8  承载能力极限状态基本组合效应计算31
4.8.1 正截面抗弯承载力验算31
4.8.2 斜截面抗剪承载力验算32
4.9  正常使用极限状态应力验算 33
4.10 主梁挠度验算 35 闽江解放路钢混凝土组合连续梁桥设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_12274.html