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时间:2016-12-15 19:29来源:毕业论文
Basic technical data include: Large ground vertical oil tank area fire explosion danger and fire fighting and rescue work by Fu-Zhimin and Huang-Jinyin; Oil tank fire by Zhao-Kun and Sun-Yan; Floating

Basic technical data include: Large ground vertical oil tank area fire explosion danger and fire fighting and rescue work by Fu-Zhimin and Huang-Jinyin; Oil tank fire by Zhao-Kun and Sun-Yan; Floating roof oil tank fire problem analysis and improvement measures by Zhang-Baopo; Oil depot fire explosion hazard analysis by Di-Jianhua; Talk about the original tank pool fire accident simulation evaluation by Yu-Xiaohong; Risk assessment of large oil tank fire accident by Han-Wuwen; The study of oil tank fire and fire extinguishing equipment by Liu-Hao; The study of oil tank fire extinguishing equipment and Suggestions for improvement by Chen-Chao, and etc.
The fighting system is an integrated, organic system. We should take measures from different aspects to respond to the fire and prevent it. Multiple fire means and systems should be used together to achieve good prevention effect. In the design process pay attention to the practicability of oil tank area fire extinguishing system design, combining fire foam extinguishing system and cooling water system used, embodies the mutual communications between the two sub-systems and the overall effect, focuses on the basic principles of each subsystem in the content, methods and practical use, grasp the basic rule of fire protection system design and the core, good deal with the connection between the teaching material and specification, to improve the practicability of this design, oil tank area fire fighting system to provide the reference for future design.
Key Words: tank farm; fire risk; fire fighting systems; accident analysis;
目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 油罐区的消防安全现状    1
1.2 油罐区火灾爆炸危险性    1
1.3 油罐区灭火系统配置    2
1.4 设计目的和主要内容    3
1.4.1 设计的目的和意义    3
1.4.2 主要设计内容    3
2 工程概况    5
3 油罐区火灾爆炸危险分析    6
3.1 油罐区火灾爆炸危险性分类    6
3.2 储存油料特性分析    6
3.3 油罐区事故后果分析    7
3.3.1 泄漏事故分析    7
3.3.2 火灾事故分析    8
3.3.3 爆炸事故分析    11
3.4小结    13
4 油罐区灭火系统设计    14
4.1 油罐区灭火方式选择    14
4.2 灭火剂用量计算    14
4.2.1 泡沫混合液用量计算    14
4.2.2 泡沫比例混合液的选择    15
4.2.3 泡沫产生器的选择    15
4.3 冷却水用量计算    15
4.4 管道的水力计算    16
4.4.1 泡沫混合液管道的水力计算    16
4.4.2 消防冷却水管道的水利计算    17
4.5小结    17
5 消防泵的选择    18
5.1 泡沫混合液泵的选择    18
5.2消防冷却水泵的选择    18
5.3小结    19
6灭火系统布置    20
6.1 管网的布置    20
6.2 消防栓的布置    20
6.3 灭火器的布置    21
7 结论    22
致谢    24
参考文献    25,4358
1.1    油罐区的消防安全现状
石油是现代社会的重要燃料和能源,油罐正是用来存储石油及其产品的容器。由于石油具有易燃烧爆炸等特点,油罐区的火灾事故时有发生。而油罐区的消防安全方面仍存在一些问题。首先罐顶泡沫灭火系统存在盲区,目前浮顶油罐罐体上的固定消防设施主要为泡沫灭火系统和水喷淋系统,其中泡沫灭火系统是灭火的主要组成部分。在泡沫灭火系统中,外浮顶储油罐泡沫喷射口的设置方式有两种,一种是设置在罐壁顶部,外加导流罩。我国外浮顶储罐的泡沫喷射口一般采用这种设置方式。此设置方式在实际灭火过程中存在一定的缺陷,特别是在高罐位时,两个泡沫发生器中间部位是覆盖盲区。另一种设置方式是喷射口设置在浮顶上,喷射口设置在密封(挡雨)板上方或者金属挡雨板下部,由于外浮顶油罐一二次密封间的油气空间的火灾一般伴随着爆炸,会破坏泡沫喷射口,灭火系统有可能起不到灭火作用。其次地面固定消防设施及移动消防设施灭火效果不佳,由于外浮顶罐的火灾发生在浮顶和管壁间的密封部位,地面消防设施泵送的泡沫只有射入泡沫堰板内才具有灭火作用,射中火焰基部灭火效果更好,而浮顶罐泡沫堰板与管壁之间的距离远,目标面积小,因此准确度降低。另外外浮顶储罐的浮顶随着液位变化上下浮动,即着火点随着油罐罐位的上下变化而变化,消防炮很难找准火焰根部进行有效灭火。一般情况下,消防炮多数打到浮顶上而打不到着火点;固定消防炮只能打到相对管壁的密封圈的一侧,背对管壁的密封圈的一侧打不到着火点。 大型油罐区火灾危险分析及灭火系统设计+布置图(3):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_998.html